Our objectives: To create a project while keeping in mind how it would benefit Computational Empowerment and Participatory Design in class. The objectives for our students: The main learning objective for this activity is to help the students reach a general understanding of how clouds are formed and the characteristics of varying cloud types. To reach this objective, some secondary aims were set, which focus on computational thinking and participatory design. Firstly, the students should be able to build a model that illustrates different cloud types and their diverse altitudes, using digital fabrication technologies, in this case, the LegoMindstorms kit. The students should also explain the key features of each cloud and highlight their differences based on the model they have built.
This project consists of a box where a geographical play is taking place - via motors, cotton clouds are pulled with strings to hover approximately how far above the earth they would hover in real life. The interactive design in which the students actively engage with robotics and cloud formations allows for real-time experimentation and observation. This helps students understand the complexity of weather patterns and cloud formation, which encourages them to consider how clouds behave and move. At the essence of this project lies the scientific process of questioning, pondering, testing, and the discovery of natural phenomena and their aspects.