Anwesend: Kayali Fares, Günther Elisabeth Anna, Steinböck Matthias, Duvivié Mirjam, Gartner Selina, Nöhrer Georg, Yüksel Arslan Pelin, Rott Florian, Göbl Barbara, Miltner Alexandra, Wendt Barbara
- Willkommen Barbara Wendt (SGC)! Barbara will be working on the Serious Game Changers project. She started on 12 August and will be with the team until 31 Jan 2025.
- Bericht Team – News:
- Elisabeth: in the process of getting Sparkling Science Projekt started (begin: 1.10.24), still looking for a PhD from Computer Science, please share if you know anybody; some conferences
- Mirjam: Innovations-check will start in January 2025; Working Sober game was tested in school, young ppl really liked it; will be launched in Fall
- Selina: Berliner Methodentreffen mit Petra und Mirjam; was very helpful; learned about interesting methods; they can share their notes, if anybody is interested
- Pelin: worked on papers in summer, since TDT is finishing in January; met up with advisor from Uni Göteburg (invited him), Fares: could come as to give a talk
- Barbara G: paper with Suzana, Fares et al. on participatory design accepted, will be published in Co-Design
- Matthias: Mirjam found someone who is very proficient on using the rpg-maker (Simon Wimmer), will be invited to the game lab (part of the Wirtschaftsagentur project); game lab room is finished (lots happened over the summer); contact Eva Bruckner (Geschichte) for booking; gaming event tomorrow (30.8.) from 4pm onward; liked the writing days over the summer
- Bericht Fares
- Research Community: Georg and Vera will be a part of the project; Georg started in August, Vera will start in September. Community Event in November; waiting list for interested PhDs (edunexus.at)
- Curriculare AG for new plan (3+2 instead of 4+2):
- will start soon-ish, mostly relevant for Barbara, Elisabeth and Fares; will be an intense time
- should be finished before next summer
- a lot will be taken from the ABGs: to a certain extent already decided by ministry; not much left for the other topics
- PhDs
- More exchange between PhD-Students would be nice (Fares and Selina suggestion), channel and monthly meetings
- Florian has created a channel on rocket-chat, Selina will be the admin person
- Selina will do a termino for the 1st PhD-meeting
- Allfälliges
- Wandertag, 3.10. and Team 17.10.; meet at last stop D-Wagen, Stadtwanderweg 1; place for lunch tba
- Teamtag in early 2025?
- Save the date 13 feb 25
- Ideas: ppl would like to know what others are working on and have fun together; ideas welcome (post in teamchannel)
- Teaching material for the lab for next studienjahr? Please send to Florian. Florian will get back to Fares. Bit of budget from the Zentrum if needed.
- Two LLLs scheduled: 31.10 and 28.11. – input, either someone from the group or invite someone? Mock föb?
- Mock föb Selina: 17.10. after team
- Geben Sie Ihre Aufgabe hier ein, verwenden Sie "@", um sie einem Benutzer zuzuweisen, und "//", um ein Fälligkeitsdatum auszuwählen
Final robotic development of the project by the “Learn2Go!” group
Initial robotic development of the project by the “Learn2Go!” group
Materials and inspiration for creating robotic activities from the “Learn2Go!” group
Digital (Picture) Story “The Mystery of Shadow and Echo”:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hXe–WRZya0ILrpD3VX4aMcV9FxXYXsJ/view?usp=sharing (Attention: High data volume!)
Experience report
While working on our project, we encountered numerous difficulties. Initially, we believed that the sensors would not recognize the selected colors and that the many different sounds (warning signals, melodies, etc.) could not be generated. After several failed attempts, it turned out that the sensors required proximity to the color plates and an additional time distance, i.e. a longer driving distance, to achieve the expected results. Due to the high sensitivity of the sensor, we therefore decided to minimize the use of excessive coloring and the inclusion of a background design (e.g. design of a train station) in the creation of our wall as much as possible. The creation and programming of the robot also proved to be extremely challenging due to both the motor (problems with the controller, hence the use of cardboard rails) and sensory (sounds were added via recordings and the sound system of the LEGO MINDSTORMS motor via the tablet programming is very weak) problem representation. Creative approaches therefore had to be sought and often rethought by the team members.
As already mentioned, the project therefore has some limitations. The robot is designed to react only to colors and does not recognize light variations. This limitation restricts its ability to potentially interact with a wider range of environmental stimuli. The robot operates strictly according to the pre-programmed code and does not adapt to failed attempts. Furthermore, the robot's activity does not contain any form of artificial intelligence and therefore does not adapt or self-adapt to extra-natural occurrences, which could lead to major safety issues given the proposed environment and the many human interactions involved. There is still a lot of room for improvement in this respect.
However, the future potential applications of our project are equally diverse. Our project plays an important role in fostering critical thinking and problem solving skills, and prepares the need to involve diverse - and often even for the technology experts unknown - disciplines through the use of advanced technological devices. The development aims to create everyday scenarios and integrate real-life problems in order to develop the students' learning and problem-solving experience. By simulating a train environment, students can gain insights into the complexities and challenges of everyday life.
In addition, our project also promotes Austria's cultural heritage and could serve both tourism and Austria's security, as the melodies that one can hear after the warning signal sounds when the public transport arrives can also be replaced by well-known pieces of music by well-known Austrian artists. Of course, the selection of these pieces of music can also be done through several interactive (digital) votes with the Austrian population and thus also directly involve the Austrian people. This would also create a certain proximity to our project for outsiders to the project and emphasize the musical and cultural uniqueness of cities like Salzburg for both the population and visitors.
The target groups of this project are therefore basically unlimited and range from all ages and genders, as our project is linked to public transportation, with all types of people being found and therefore being if not directly, indirectly part of the project.
Hinsichtlich der (technischen) Umsetzung des Stop-Motion Videos ist jedenfalls darauf zu achten, dass genügend zeitliche Ressource zur Verfügung stehen, um das Video aufzunehmen und fertigzustellen. Wenngleich diverse Apps (unsere Empfehlung: Stop Motion Studio ) eine leichte Handhabung und Fertigstellung des Videos ermöglichen, muss dennoch beachtet werden, dass es einiges an Zeit braucht, bis alle Kinder der Klasse ihren Stein platziert haben und alle Einzelbilder aufgenommen sind.
Lehrerpersonal muss hier unbedingt selbst vorab das App „Stop Motion Studio“ getestet haben. Grundsätzlich ist die Applikation leicht zu handhaben. Viele Dinge sind selbsterklärend und Lernende bringen mittlerweile genug Erfahrung im Umgang mit technischen Geräten wie Smartphones mit. Gröbere Schwierigkeiten im Umgang mit der App sind daher nicht zu erwarten. Dennoch kann man durch Erstellen einer kurzen Videosequenz im Vorhinein herausfinden, wo es Probleme geben könnte und sich bereits Lösungen dafür zurechtlegen. Ein häufiges Problem sind etwa verwackelte Bilder – Stative oder andere Arten der Kamera-Fixierung können dabei Abhilfe schaffen. Des Weiteren sind auch Urheberrechte mit den Lernenden zu besprechen, einerseits damit sie keine Rechte anderer verletzten, aber auch weil sie als Urheber am Endprojekt Rechte erwerben.
Siehe Fazit
Working on this project was a great learning experience for us. We wanted to help students understand how visually impaired people navigate their surroundings. We started with the idea of creating a 3D model but changed to a paper map due to time and resource limits. Using the Sphero Mini robot, we showed how navigation paths can be created and followed. Although we faced challenges with the robot's programming, switching to remote control made the activity fun and engaging. This project taught us about the importance of inclusive design and gave us a chance to develop practical skills in a meaningful way.
Das Projekt lässt sich unserer Meinung nach einfach an Schulen umsetzen, da es nicht besonders kosten- oder zeitintensiv ist. Die Zusammenarbeit unserer Gruppe hat sehr gut funktioniert und wir sind mit dem Endprodukt sehr zufrieden. Durch die intensive Beschäftigung mit der Thematik können wir uns vorstellen Bildungstechnologien in unserer späteren Laufbahn im Unterricht einzubauen.
Lessons Learned
- Interdisziplinäre Unterrichtskonzepte decken mehr Kompetenzen ab und verfestigen wissen.
- Die Verwendung von Micro:bits im Unterricht ist eine Möglichekeit digitale Kompetenzen preisgünstig zu stärken.
- Die von uns gewählte Blockprogrammiersprache ist einfach zu verstehen und effektiv in der Anwendung.
- Als Gruppe haben wir gerlernt, dass man manchmal einfach dem Prozess der Ideenfindung und eines Projektes vertrauen muss, ganz im Sinne von "trust the process".
Leider konnten wir das Projekt bisher noch nicht in einer realen Schulsituation testen, aber wir sind der Meinung, dass es gut umsetzbar ist und Anklang unter den Jugendlichen finden würde. Das gemeinsame Erarbeiten des Projekts machte auf jeden Fall großen Spaß und wir konnten gut als Team zusammenarbeiten.
- Das Projekt erfüllt die erwarteten Lernziele sehr gut (auch fächerübergreifend!)
Das fertige Spiel:
Ein paar Figuren aus der Nähe
Die Arbeitseinteilung hat gut funktioniert. Manchmal musste man Mitglieder in den stressigen Phasen des Semesters an Abgabetermine erinnern, aber im Großen und Ganzen hat alles gut geklappt. Die größten Schwierigkeiten ergaben sich beim finden von gemeinsamen Arbeitsterminen im Lab. Hier empfiehlt sich tatsächlich die Erstellung eines Arbeitsplans und ein vorzeitiges Festlegen der Termine. Das Projekt selbst erscheint in Hinblick auf die Umsetzbarkeit in der Schule als sehr gut machbar, bedarf aber eines Zeitaufwandes von ca. 4 Wochen. Eine Umsetzung in einem kürzeren Zeitraum erscheint als praktisch sehr schwierig.
Wichtigste "Lessons Learned":
- Beim Arbeiten und vor allen beim ersten Mal arbeiten mit den 3D Drucken braucht man Zeit, Zeit, Zeit und nochmals Zeit. Wir selbst haben das Zeitmanagement teilweise sehr naiv angesetzt und mussten laufend mehr Zeit für diese Arbeitsschritte verplanen.
- Beim Arbeiten in der Schule würde sich unter Umständen eine Schullizenz zum Download von besonders hübschen Modellen auf einer professionellen Seite auszahlen. Ggf. müsste man hier mit der Schulleitung eine Lösung finden.
- Auch nicht perfekte Figuren sollten im Bewertungsprozess gelobt und anerkannt werden, da es sich hier um tatsächliches "Learning by Doing" handelt
Testing the activity
Preliminary tests
Single big trapdoor design Faster double door Sensor assembly
(too slow)
Dropper design v2
Having a single motor handle Dropper v2 (good for bricks, Dropper v2 (empty)
both doors (too weak) too small for light objects)
Dropper v2 (open)
Dropper v2 (closed)
Building the tower
Adapting standard LEGO Back of the tower Front of the tower, with
blocks to the LEGO Technic assembled Mindstorms parts
Finished tower
...with insert for dropping ...with loaded "heavy object" ...with empty platform ...with loaded "light object"
LEGO bricks (Post-it note)
Mindstorms code used in the successful tests
Final test
Dropping something heavy Dropping something light
Difficulties that arose during our testing of the activity were firstly the length of the cables. Having them in only one fixed size, expensive to reorder for potential hardware hacking and fairly short really limits machines that try to have a bigger size.
We used a second sensor from another kit, so it wouldn’t even be possible make it with one Lego kit.
Using one sensor was very inaccurate and couldn’t deliver results that were good enough to work with further.
The plastic piece bouncing out of the sensor area was solved by using the instruction manual as a dampening device, therefore still only using original Lego components.
The AI image generation posed difficulties with creating consistent character design, and had problems creating moving images, prompting us to use Canva and stock footage as opposed to AI content.
LEGO Mindstorms might not accessible to every class due to its pricey nature, one set being 434,- via betzold.at at this moment. Thinking about doing it with an entire class would probably multiply the cost by 4 or 5 to still not have a too big group size. Therefore, it could be necessary to do an excursion if the kits are not a feasible option to one’s
particular school. This is also why the activity is designed around a visit to the CE-LAB, and even then it is infeasible to let a whole class participate - dividing a whole class onto 4 Mindstorms kits would lead to impractical group sizes.
The excursion offers new information to the students whilst being very incompatible with an ordinary timetable, still leaving it as a possibility for a specialty workshop at the end of the year or similar, but still limiting if the school isn’t implementing a system like that.
Potential uses for the future
This activity can set a first contact with „out of school“ makerspaces and therefore offers a new set of tools, often unobtainable by a lot of educational facilities.
It can be implemented as one „end of the school year“ intensive course, creating a visible connection point for the arts & crafts and physics teachers to cooperate. Having it in an external space could also make students see their potential interest in working in the research field due to the investigative Nature and the appearance of the CE-Lab.
By having an eye on the female students‘ interactions with the material it could be a possible groundwork to empower future women in stem and set the stage for gender balance in this sector.
Our primary goal was to ensure that students were actively involved in the project and had the opportunity to work independently. We also wanted to provide them with ample space for their ideas. The initial question, "What are clouds?" was intriguing but too abstract to be answered visually using Lego Mindstorms. Therefore, we refined it into the question, "Why are some clouds positioned higher in the atmosphere?" This more specific question allowed us to narrow down the topic and focus on a particular cloud phenomenon. Once the topic was narrowed down, the subsequent steps became easier, and the project outline became more precise.