We would like to bring to your attention a couple of events and trainings in June and July that we are organizing together with our partners and that might be of interest for you.

Early registration is recommended for all events!

05.-07.06.2023, 09:00 - 17:00, IN-PERSON, Bratislava, Slovakia TREX Workshop - Code Tuning for the Exascale

       Targeting specifically code developers and advanced HPC users the event will be

       organised as a mix of tutorials and hands-on sessions, focussing mainly on

       performance, power consumption, and energy efficiency in HPC systems.

       Claudia Blaas-Schenner and Ivan Vialov

       (VSC Research Center, TU Wien, Austria),

       Tomáš Panoc, Ondřej Vysocký, Radim Vavřík, and Matej Špeťko

       (IT4Innovations, VSB Ostrava, Czechia),

       William Jalby and Cedric Valensi

       (Université de Versailles-Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines/UPSaclay, France)


13.-15.06.2023, 09:30-18:30, IN-PERSON, Marbor, Slovenia

ASHPC23 - Austrian-Slovenian HPC Meeting 2023

       Scientists and technicians with a background and interest in supercomputing

       come together to learn about current limitations and to exchange ideas on

       addressing these issues which is vital for the further development in scientific

       and technological competitiveness. The program features an exciting mix about

       the current state-of-the-art in HPC and future trends.

       Regular registration deadline is June 1, 2023


22.06.2023, 09:00 - 17:00, ONLINE, Zoom

ONLINE COURSE - Introduction to Working on the VSC Clusters

       In this course we will help you getting started on the VSC clusters, Austria's

       most powerful supercomputers. We'll focus on using the VSC clusters and

       especially their queuing system efficiently. This course is from beginners level

       (the first steps on a supercomputer) to intermediate level (some experience

       on VSC or an other compute cluster)

       VSC Team (Claudia Blaas-Schenner, Siegfried Höfinger, Jan Zabloudil)


26.-30.06.2023, 09:00 - 17:00, IN-PERSON, Ostrava, Czechia SCtrain Training Week - HPC in Data Science: focus on Big Data and AI

       The course aimed at High-Performance Data Analytics (HPDA) covers data

       cleaning, exploratory data analysis, modelling using machine and deep

       learning/AI, and upscaling the codes to the High-Performance Computing

       (HPC) clusters, relying on the expertise of HPC specialists coming from

       four different European countries.

       Waiting list for eligible students of TU Wien - please contact training@vsc.ac.at

       Late registration for self-paying participants - please contact training@vsc.ac.at https://sctrain.eu/course/big-data-and-ai

05.-06.07.2023, 09:00 - 17:00, ONLINE, Zoom ONLINE COURSE - Python for HPC

       This course introduces the interested participant to Python from an HPC

       viewpoint, the most practical tools, and various indispensable libraries for HPC

       use cases. After completion of this two-day course, participants are prepared

       to effectively develop their own Python libraries or integrate Python into existing


       David Fischak (External),

       Simeon Harrison (EuroCC Austria and VSC Research Center, TU Wien),

       Katrin Muck (VSC Research Center, TU Wien)


Training events of VSC: https://vsc.ac.at/training

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