Conference from - @ Grundlsee - Indico (username: ashpc22-user
, password: conferenceuser
) - Abstracts - PDF
talk by Vangelis Floros from EuroHPC JU
Euro-HPC: a legal and funding entity created in 2018 with headquarters in Luxembourg. Bundle HPC in Europe. follows PRACE.
For more information see: PDF
talk by Sarah Stryeck
A National Competence Center for High-Performance Computing, High-Performance Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence.
What to use EuroHPC Resources? They advise and help with proposals!
Contact: /
Note: Support for Software-Development can be provided directly from the EuroHPC-Centers (some showcases).
talk by Philipp Gschwandtner from University of Innsbruck
Motivation for proposals:
One awarded project was kmMountains: a structured grid simulation of climate change in mountainous landscapes (Alps, Himalaya)
For more information see: PDF (Talk by Emily Collier from 2021, PDF)
talk by Alessandro Marani from CINECA
Specifications & Current Status:
Further steps: HW-Installation in 07/2022 and configuration and testing completed with 12/2022
Total investment: 240 Mio. €, EU-Contribution: 120 Mio. €
Note: same building as Atos BullSequana (HPC-System of ECMWF)
talk by Peter Kandolf from University of Innsbruck/TU Vienna
DataLab of all Austrian Universities; affected parts are research, teaching, ZIDs; funded by BMBWF + all participating universities (2020-2024)
Further information: ADLS (
talk by Richard Gerber from NERSC
Note: massive support for Software-Development on GPUs (Hackatons, Companies, Scientists, ...)
Total investment: 600 Mio. $ (just Perlmutter)
For more information see: PDF
talk by Jean-Pierre Panziera from ATOS
Comparison of GPUs/CPUs & Usage of AI for NWP (ECMWF)
For more information see: PDF, About ECMWF's new data center in Bologna: ECMWF Newsletter 22
The next ASHPC-Conference is expected to take place in the first week of June, 2023 in Maribor, Slovenia.
Please save the date for ASHPC23: June 13-15, 2023!
1 Comment
Blaschek Michael
nice! Thanks Meindl Maximilian