From 13.2.2023
In the settings of the Moodleoverflow activity, you can now specify whether posts written by participants must first be approved by teachers before they are visible to all participants.
To enable this review option, select the desired option in the General section under Review. Select Questions if you want to review only new topics and Questions and answers if you also want to review answers to posts.
Teachers and the respective author of a post will see the post as soon as it is saved. As in normal forums, participants now have 30 minutes to edit or delete their own posts. After that, teachers can accept or reject posts. In the teacher view, the Review needed! button appears in Moodleoverflow if there are posts that can already be reviewed.
If you click the Review needed! button, you will see the posts that you need to review. By clicking the Accept button you publish the post for all participants. If you don't want to publish it, click the Reject button. Before you save the rejection, you can enter a reason for the rejection. The post will then be deleted from the Moodleoverflow activity and the author of the post will receive an email notification.
Once you have finally rejected a post, you cannot reverse that decision. Rejected posts will no longer be listed in the Moodleoverflow activity.