Valid from Moodle version 4.2

Multiple files can be included in Moodle via the Folder resource. For structure subfolders can be created in folders.

If you want to make many files available in your Moodle course, the course can quickly become confusing if you include them as individual files. Moodle therefore provides the ability to create folders into which multiple files can be uploaded.

To include a folder in your course, first proceed as described in "Add activities and resources in Moodle".


Specific settings and actions for folders

Upload files

In the Content section of a folder's settings you can drag one or more files into the Files field with pressed left mouse button.

Alternatively, use the Add... icon in the upper left corner above the files input field to browse the computer and upload the file.

Create subfolders

In the Content section of the folder settings you will find three icons above the Files field. Click on the folder icon (Create folder) to create a subfolder. A small window will open where you have to enter a name for the subfolder. Confirm the entry by clicking the Create folder button.

Clicking on the newly created subfolder will take you to that folder and you can now upload files there and/or create more subfolders.

Do not create too many subfolder levels. A folder structure that is too nested could quickly become confusing for students. If necessary, it is better to create several less complex folders in the course.

The navigation path at the top above the files field shows in which section of a folder you are currently located. Click on a name in the navigation path to switch to parent folders if necessary. The subfolders are displayed with the names you have given them. The main folder (top level) is always displayed with the title Files.

Display options for folder contents

Under Display folder contents in the Content section of the folder settings, you specify how the contents of the folder are displayed in the course.

The following options are available:

  • Display folder contents: On a separate page (default setting).
    On the course page, the folder icon and the title of the folder are displayed. Clicking on it opens a separate page with the folder structure and folder contents.


  • Display folder contents: Inline on a course page
    The folder structure and the contents are displayed directly on the course page. The folder or subfolders can also be expanded and collapsed there.

  • Show subfolders expanded

If this option is ticked, the structure tree of the folder is completely expanded and all folder contents are displayed. By clicking on the arrow icons next to the folder icons, (sub)folders can be collapsed.

If this option is not ticked (default setting), the folders are collapsed and their contents are displayed or expanded by clicking the arrow icon next to the folder.

The subfolders and files in folders are always displayed in alphabetical order. If you want a specific other order, enter a prefixed numbering in the title (e.g. "01 script", "02 article" etc.).

  • Show download folder button

If this option is ticked, the Download folder button will be displayed to download the folder contents:

You cannot prevent the download of the files of a folder by not displaying the download button in the folder! The participants can still download the files individually or collectively via the Download center of the course.

  • Force download of files

By default, this option is not ticked and thus the folder's image and HTML files are displayed in the browser when clicked. If this setting is ticked, image and HTML files must be downloaded first to be viewed.

Editing content in folders

If you have already added content to a folder, you can also edit it later, move it to subfolders or delete it, as well as upload additional files or create additional subfolders. To do this, access the folder's settings form by turning on edit mode in the upper right corner of Moodle and then selecting Edit Settings from the folder's Edit menu (three dots).

Alternatively, if you only want to edit the contents of the folder and do not plan to make any further changes to the settings, you can simply click on the folder and then press the Edit button without having to turn on the edit mode. This will take you to a reduced edit mode where only the Files field with the folder contents is displayed.

To edit a file in a folder, simply click on it in the Files field.

To edit a subfolder, you need to click on the circle icon with the three dots at the bottom left of the respective folder icon.

In both cases, another window will now open where you have various options. Some of them are explained in more detail below.

Rename a file or subfolder

For files,  under Name the name under which you saved your file before uploading it is initially displayed. You can change the name in the input field to make it more meaningful if necessary.

Please leave the file extension (e.g. .pdf) so that the file will still be recognized correctly.

In the Name field of the subfolder you will find (at the first change) the name you gave to the subfolder when you created it. You can correct any typos here or change the name completely or partially.

Move item to subfolder

You can move both files and subfolders within the same folder to a subfolder or from a subfolder back to the top level of the folder. To do this, select the desired subfolder in the drop-down menu at Path. The top level has no name and is marked only by a slash. Finally, click the Update button. The view will automatically switch to the relevant folder where you have just moved the file or subfolder.

In Moodle it is not possible to move content from one folder to another separate folder. If you prefer to have content from of one folder in another folder, you must upload it there again and delete it in the original folder.

Delete file or subfolder

To delete a file or subfolder from a folder or subfolder, press the Delete button at the top of the dialog box. After that you have to confirm the deletion process with OK.

When you delete a subfolder, you also delete all the content it contains!

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