Training offers
To make it easier for beginners to get started, we are again offering technical training courses on Moodle this semester (registration via the "Kursdatenbank der Personalentwicklung"):
- Technische Einführung in Moodle (German)
- MC Prüfungen mit Offline-Tests (vor Ort, Campus CLS3) 29.2.2024, 9:00-13:00
- Technische Einführung: u:stream-Videos hochladen, bearbeiten und veröffentlichen (German) (online) 05.03.2024, 10:00-12:00
Training WITHOUT registration:
- Technische Einführung: u:stream und Videokonferenz aus dem Hörsaal (German):
29.02.2024, 10:00-11:30, Hörsaal D am Campus der Univ. Wien, Hof 10
You will learn the most important steps for recording and livestreaming from the lecture hall with u:stream. The implementation of videoconferences from the lecture hall will also be presented. Finally, you will have the opportunity to try out the equipment yourself.
In addition, the CTL offers the university didactic workshop series "Teaching Competence" (German).
Technical inquiries & consultation appointments
You can reach us as usual via our Servicedesk form Moodle für Lehrende or Moodle für Studierende. If you need technical advice on more complex topics or projects in Moodle, you can arrange individual consultation appointments with us. Please also contact us via the Servicedesk.