Moodle has two types of content elements:

  • Activities: elements that allow interaction between instructors and students, such as forums.
  • Recources: static content, such as files

In the course Moodlebeispiele you can get to know all the activities and resources from the student perspective so that you can get an idea of the functionality. Try it out!I

All Activities and Resources

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The Assignment activity allows student work to be submitted digitally (text entry or file upload) and graded. Students only ever see their own submissions. Group submissions are also possible. If required, plagiarism checking can be activated with Turnitin.

Possible applications


The Attendance activity allows students to record their attendance or absence in the units of a course or at specific appointments. Instructors can either enter them in the digital attendance list or allow students to record their attendances themselves (for example, by scanning a QR code and entering access data). Attendances can only be recorded for dates after the entered course start date.

Possible applications

  • Recording of attendances and absences

  • Overview for teachers and students

  • Reports for individuals, groups or entire events



The BigBlueButton (BBB) activity is suitable for lectures, seminars or talks with up to 300 people. With this video conferencing tool, you can also share presentations or conduct voting. Interaction is via audio (microphone) and live chat. People external to the university participate via guest link.

Possible applications

  • Digital/hybrid teaching - video conferencing system

  • Oral exams

  • Online consultation


The resource Book allows you to organize learning content with text, graphics, images and multimedia elements on pages in a book-like format. Pages can be grouped into sections, as subchapters or chapters.

Possible applications

  • Providing materials in a structured form

  • Manuals


The Certificate activity enables the dynamic creation of certificates in PDF format. These can be retrieved via the course as well as sent by e-mail in parallel.

Possible applications

  • personalized (attendance) confirmations
  • course confirmations
  • certificates


The Chat activity enables text-based synchronous discussion and is designed for use with small groups. Large groups create a heavy load on the web servers. Chat sessions can be saved and published.

Possible applications

  • Synchronous written live discussion


In a Checkmark, students mark in advance which examples or tasks they have prepared for the attendance unit and can present if necessary. In addition, attendance and blackboard performance can be recorded and assessed.

Possible applications

  • Organize exercises

  • Record attendance

  • Record board performance



In the Choice activity, different options can be presented for selection. Students must choose one or more of the options - depending on their settings.

Possible applications

  • Course survey

  • Quick feedback

  • Flash round

  • Classroom Assesment Techniques


The Database activity allows teachers and students to create, view and search a collection of information on a wide variety of topics. For this purpose, teachers define the input fields, whereby different field types such as text fields, fields for images or links are possible.

Possible applications

  • Collaboratively create a collection


With the Etherpad activity several participants of a course can edit a document together at the same time. The entries are immediately visible to all. Documents created in this way can be exported e.g. to MS Word for further editing and saving. Please download your pads to your end device after the end of the event.

Possible applications

  • Documentation of important aspects during a course together with the students

  • Joint notes

  • Collecting questions about the respective unit

  • Exercises such as Brainwriting


Fair Allocation

In the Fair Allocation activity, instructors specify groups for which students must indicate their preferences. Different selection modes are available, such as agree/disagree, scoring, or ranking. The distribution to the groups takes into account the preferences indicated by the students.

Possible applications

  • Selection of internship and exercise groups
  • Assignment of presentation and seminar work topics
  • Scheduling of (presentation) dates



The Feedback activity allows you to create your own surveys or evaluation forms, for which a number of question types are available. The answers can be assigned to persons or be anonymous. Show the results to the participants and/or export the data.

Possible applications

  • Obtain general feedback on the course

  • Obtain specific feedback


The File material allows you to provide individual files of any file format.

Possible applications

  • Distribute exercise examples, tasks, sketches, practice sheets, ...

  • Offer download

Flashcards (Test mode)

The Flashcards activity is a tool for learning in Moodle. Questions are posed on virtual flashcards and students answer them for themselves. Afterwards, they can view the respective (sample) solution and decide for themselves whether their own answer was correct or incorrect. The flashcard system contains a total of five different boxes into which correctly answered cards are moved step by step. This means that several learning sessions are required until all the cards have been placed in the last box.

Possible applications

  • Exam preparation

  • Deepening of contents

  • Continuous learning



Via the Folder resource multiple files and subfolders can be included.

Possible applications

  • File lecture slides

  • Provide learning materials such as lecture notes and typical exam questions


Set up a forum to give participants in your course the opportunity to discuss. Options: different forum types, file attachments, embed images, subscribe to forums, rate forum posts, group work. In the announcement forum, which is automatically created in every course, only teachers of a course can post. Participants are not allowed to write their own posts or reply to other posts in the announcement forum.

Possible applications

  • Exchange forum for technical as well as organizational topics

  • Collect questions for a course


The Glossary activity can be provided by the teacher or created as a learning activity by the participants. Tip: If autolinking is enabled for glossaries, glossary terms will be linked directly in all texts of the course. This feature can also be turned off, for example for tests.

Possible applications

  • Create dictionary

  • Create FAQ


The Grouptool activity allows instructors to create groups, allow students to sign up for and sign out of these groups, and sign up for waitlists if necessary.

Possible applications

  • Create group assignments

  • Plan & record attendance



The H5P activity allows to include interactive HTML5 content such as presentations, videos and other multimedia content, questions, tests, games and more.



The Lesson activity provides a way to prepare study material in a structured way. It consists of a series of linked pages, where participants usually have to make a selection at the end of the page to go to the next page. In the simplest case, this would be a click on the Next button. For test question pages, subsequent pages can be made dependent on the answer given. All lesson content can be created directly in Moodle, unlike learning packages.

Possible applications

  • Structure contents

  • Define dependencies

MooDuel (Test mode)

Add the MooDuel activity to enable students to use u:mooduell. u:mooduell (Google Play Store, Apple App Store) is a multiplayer quiz app for gamifying learning content. Students can compete against each other using test questions from the course.

Possible applications

  • Exam preparation

  • Deepen contents

  • Continuous learning



Moodleoverflow is a question-answer style forum with sorting. Posts are ranked by their rating and not chronoligically, (partly) self-moderating.

Possible applications

  • Establishment of a help forum

  • Incentive system for the creation of qualitative contributions


Offline quiz

The Offline Quiz activity allows you to create questionnaire tests with multiple-choice questions. The questions are stored in the Moodle question database and can be reused in other offline and online tests. The module creates question and answer sheets that can be downloaded as PDF or DOCX files. On the printed answer sheets, the answers are ticked by the participants. The results are scanned and imported into the Moodle system.

Possible applications

  • Automated test evaluation


With the Oranizer activity, instructors specify different time slots (appointments) for which students can register.

Possible applications

  • Registration for oral exams

  • Registration for interviews

  • Registration for excursions



With the Page material, you compose content for the participants. The page can contain text, images, audio files, videos, links, and embedded code such as Google Maps. The text page is easier to edit than an uploaded file. When using mobile devices, the content can be displayed better.

Possible applications

  • Design intermediate page

PDF Annotation

The PDF Annotation activity allows participants to mark or highlight passages in a PDF previously uploaded by instructors, write comments, and reply to and like other participants' comments. This allows all users to share content and highlighted sections and engage in a collaborative peer review process. PDFs can be made available to individual Moodle groups or to all participants in a course.

Possible applications

  • Collaborative text analysis

  • Preparation of presentations

  • Data analysis

  • Identification of points on pictures

  • Feedback on other students' texts

  • Feedback for teachers on the learning process


Photo gallery

The Photo gallery material allows the presentation of images. Images can be uploaded individually or as a package. Preview images are generated automatically. Clicking on a thumbnail brings the image to the foreground in an enlarged view. Optional: Write comments

Possible applications

  • Use of images in the course

  • Share photos on field trips/events

  • Collect comments on photos



The Questionnaire activity enables the creation of questionnaires, which are filled out by the participants.

Possible applications

  • More complex questionnaires
  • Obtain feedback
  • Apply Classroom Assesment Techniques. Implemented CATs can be found in the Moodle marketplace here.
  • Create individual learning paths


The Quiz activity is designed to test and assess student knowledge online. Teachers can use different types of test questions in Moodle quizzes. Quizzes can be designed as self-tests for exam preparation on the one hand, and can also be used as graded (partial) exams on the other.

Possible applications

Student folder

The Student folder activity allows participants to upload documents that are immediately visible to other participants after they have been reviewed and approved. An assignment can be used as the basis for a student folder. The trainer can decide which documents of the assignment should be visible for all participants. Instructors can also let the students themselves decide whether their files should be visible to other students.

Possible applications

  • File exchange

  • Presentation of good examples


Text and media area

The Text and media area material is displayed on the course page, for example as a heading, a note, a short learning content or for orientation. A text field can also contain multimedia elements, such as video or audio. Text and medira areas are very versatile and, when used wisely, can enhance the look and feel of a course.

Possible applications

  • Place hint texts, images or similar elements on the course page

  • Subheadings


With the URL material you link to existing pages on the Internet. This allows you to direct your participants to suitable sources of information and learning materials.  Linking avoids copyright problems when copying content. Links and URLs can also be integrated into any other resource or activity using the text editor.

Possible applications

  • Link web resources or external content


The u:stream material allows you to embed lecture series and individual recordings as well as web streams of the  u:stream service directly in your Moodle course.

Possible applications

  • Embedding of single or serial recordings

  • Embedding web streams



The Wiki activity is a collection of interlinked pages. In a shared wiki, everyone can view and edit all pages. In a personal wiki, everyone has their own pages that only they can see and edit. All versions of a wiki are saved in the history. It is traceable who has changed what in the wiki and when. Earlier versions of a page can be restored.

Possible applications

  • Writing collaborative notes/protocols

  • Project documentation


With the Wordcloud activity, it is possible to collect terms together with the participants in a brainstorming process and to display them graphically according to their frequency as a word cloud. This can be used, for example, to capture a mood or create a basis for a discussion.

Possible applications

  • Create an introduction to a new topic

  • Query prior knowledge

  • Get mood picture



The Workshop activity is a special multi-step task type: participants individually assess sample submissions for a task, create their own task solutions, and self-assess. They receive feedback from other participants. Different criteria can be used for the evaluation. Not all steps have to be activated.

Possible applications

  • Peer review of a seminar paper/exercise

  • Mutual assessment of an exercise (automatic assignment of peer reviewers possible)

Zoom meeting

The Zoom meeting activity allows you to offer a video conference to participants in your Moodle course. You do not need a Zoom account to participate. Meetings are possible up to 200 participants (end-to-end encryption) or 300 participants (advanced encryption). Request dditional licenses for teaching up to 1000 participants here.

Possible applications

  • Digital/hybrid teaching - video conferencing system

  • Oral exams

  • Online consultation


Only available at (Test modes)

For more info, see the Moodle course Testbetriebe Moodle Schulung. After successful test operations on the training instance, the test operation will be extended to the production instance. Send feedback: Moodle mailbox

Consent form

With this activity you make the access to other activities and materials of this course dependent on a declaration of consent, which you define in the properties. This activity requires the completion tracking feature to be enabled in the course settings.

Possible applications

  • Obtain confirmation for the display of additional documents



The StudentQuiz activity allows participants to add questions to the pool, filter questions, and use the filtered questions for practice. Instructors can anonymize the "created by" column. Added questions are awarded points, which are listed in a leaderboard.

Possible applications

  • Exam preparation

  • Self-test

  • Developing a common collection of questions


  • No labels