Currently, no courses or exams with student attendance take place at the University of Vienna. Teaching has been changed to remote learning and e-learning. Exams too can only be held digitally at the moment.

All digital written exams must be carried out via the Moodle platform. Only this way it is guaranteed that only registered students participate in the exam via their u:account. Students have to log in to Moodle with their u:account to receive and submit the exam papers. Using the “Cover sheet for written digital exams” ensures that students are aware of the exam conditions.

Ensuring quality and fairness is essential for online exams as it is for paper-based exams. Online exams in Moodle are easy to implement from a technical point of view. They are accompanied by an identity check (log-in using the u:account and occasional live communication) as well as a check for plagiarism. This ensures the authenticity of the student’s performance. Open-book assessments and open questions shift the focus of exams from mere demonstration of knowledge to comprehension, application, analysis, elaboration or evaluation of contents.


  • Specify the modes of assessment (until mid-May – for the first exam dates of the summer semester of 2020)
    Decide which modes of assessment you want to use for the digital exam.
  • Confirm the exam date (until mid-May/end of May – for the first exam dates of the summer semester of 2020)
    Ask the SSC to create a new exam date and registration modes. If you have already set an exam date, ask the SSC to confirm this date if you expect more than 100 participants.
  • Announce the modes of assessment (until mid-May/end of May)
    Update the information about changed modes of assessment in u:find so that students are aware of the procedure.
  • Create a Moodle exam course (at least 2 weeks before the exam)
    Create a separate Moodle course for your digital exam in u:space, right next to the exam date.
  • Create contents (2 weeks before the exam)
    Instructions and predefined templates are available. You can import them to your own exam course. Use those contents that you deem helpful.
  • Offer a mock exam (1–2 weeks before the exam)
    Give students the opportunity to participate in a mock exam to clarify any technical issues in advance and to familiarise yourself with the tools.
  • Create the exam (at least 1 week before the exam)
    The earlier you prepare the exam, the better we can support you with any upcoming issues. Please note that our resources are also limited.
  • Carry out the exam
    An invigilator is available to answer and record the students’ questions during the exam.
  • Conduct a plausibility check
    We recommend contacting students at random after written digital exams (during a previously announced period of time) to ask them short control questions about the exam (“How did you arrive at this solution?”) or about the examination topics. 
  • Enter the grades (after the exam – no later than 28 days after the exam)
    You can enter the grades either directly in u:space or import them from Moodle. In both cases you have to approve the assessment in u:space.

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Which modes of assessment can I use?

You can find details and further information on the relevant subpages.

Further information

Who can help me if I have questions?

  • For questions about the exam date or the registration of students, please contact the responsible StudienServiceCenter (SSC) (German only)
  • If you have questions about didactics, please contact the “Team Digital Prüfen” via e-mail to
  • In case of technical questions about Moodle, please contact the ZID Servicedesk (log-in required)
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