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ACOnet provides a federated Demo Service Provider to its community, with the entityID
This consists of a simple WSGI application making use of data provided by the current Shibboleth Service Provider software.
In addition to "echoing" back attributes recieved via recieved via SAML (to allow testing of a SAML IDP's attribute release confguration) the Demo SP also shows the (decoded, decrypted and reformatted) XML of the SAML assertion Assertion itself, as well as giving access to the web server's environment variables.
The Demo SP also makes use of the Shibboleth SP's feature to extract information from SAML metadata about the used SAML IDP, which is useful e.g. to provide detailed information to users on error pages etc. Use of similar methods in your own applications is highly recommended.
Demo IDP Discovery Services
Questions about this service are always welcome on the community mailing ilst.
Data processing
See Demo Service Datenverarbeitung (in German language).