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Install pre-requisites
Install required and recommended (and used, throughout this documentation) packages, possibly replacing vim
with your $EDITOR
of choice (e.g. emacs-nox
or nano
, both of which also have support syntax highlighting, which helps when editing XML files) and stop the automatically started tomcat again ( until we've done completed more configuration )performed below:
No Format |
apt install --no-install-recommends default-jdk-headless tomcat9 \ vim less openssl unzip curl expat multitail gnupg net-tools systemctl stop tomcat9 |
Redirect requests to Tomcat's web root ("/
") to a URL of your choice, e.g. your institution's home page, replacing ""in the command below. The Shibboleth IDP application by default will run at /idp
, allowing you to easily add and update other content outside of /idp
, e.g. logos or CSS stylesheets without having them to integrate them with the "idp" context/application. The document root for that is in /var/lib/tomcat9/webapps/ROOT/
and nothing in the Shibboleth IDP software (or during use of SAML) by default links to /
of the server, so you can use that for locally hosted content without interfering with the IDP application. For example, you will want to add a robots.txt file to prevent avoid unnecessary scanning by well-behaving behaved search bots.
No Format |
rm /var/lib/tomcat9/webapps/ROOT/index.html echo '<% response.sendRedirect(""); %>' > /var/lib/tomcat9/webapps/ROOT/index.jsp echo -e "User-agent: *\nDisallow: /" > /var/lib/tomcat9/webapps/ROOT/robots.txt |
No Format |
openssl rand -hex 1216 |
Convert the TLS certificate you recieved from your CA (i.e., from DigiCert, if using ACOnet TCS), the locally generated private key and the certificate chain file into one password-protected PKCS#12 keystore file. When being asked for an "export password" set the previously generated (and noted down) password. Below you'll also add that password to the Tomcat server configuration: