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Ronald Maier, Vice-Rector Digitalisation and Knowledge Transfer

Ulf Busch, CIO

Long-term Preservation of Web Content in Digital Humanities

Challenges for Long-term Preservation of Web Content in the Humanities – a Carefully Optimistic Perspective

Monika Bargmann is data stewardess at the Faculty for Philological and Cultural Studies

Abstract: Increasingly, research output in the humanities is published in non-traditional formats. Think of digital editions, enhanced publications, databases, or wikis! Preserving their content – and their functionalities – long-term is not a trivial endeavour and needs preparation and planning. As observed through many conversations in Monika's role as the PhilKult data stewardess, this topic affects most departments. In this introduction, she gives an overview about challenges and options and grants you a sneak preview to her beginner's guide What you need to know about archiving websites

The Digital Handbook Religion-in-Japan: Content, Development and Didactic Concept

Bernhard Scheid is a Japanologist with a research focus on Japanese religious history, in particular the history of the Shintō. The digital handbook Religion-in-Japan was created in 2001 as a teaching tool for his lectures at the University of Vienna, but is constantly being expanded as part of his work at the Austrian Academy of Sciences.  

AbstractThe digital handbook is intended as an introduction for students, as well as for anyone interested in Japanese culture. It thus represents a bridge between scientific research and knowledge transfer. Its content structure of eight main chapters, each divided into diverse main pages and sub-pages, allows quick access to what Bernhard considers to be the most important data. In this lecture, Bernhard will present technical details such as navigation, page linking and search functions that embody this structure. In addition, he will discuss the didactic concept and especially the difference and added value of such a project to conventional books on the one hand, and to swarm intelligence products like Wikipedia on the other. 

Musaeum Iovianum. From Portrait Collection to Book to Website

Matthias Baltas is presently working as a prae-doc on the FWF-funded project The verse epitaphs in Paolo Giovio‘s Elogia virorum literis illustrium. Poetic topic and the context of the book

AbstractIn his villa on the shores of Lake Como, the Italian historian, physician, cleric and humanist Paolo Giovio (1486-1552) assembled an extensive collection of portraits featuring military and political leaders, aristocrats, popes, and intellectuals. Giovio's innovative addition of short Latin biographies, personally authored to each portrait, laid the foundation for our modern conception of a “museum”, a term he applied to his villa and its contents. Furthermore, Giovio diligently collected the verse epitaphs of these learned individuals whenever possible and commissioned “substitute-epigrams” for the others. In 1546, the first edition of this comprehensive compilation was published and in 1557, the Flemish cleric and philologist Johannes Latomus released an expanded edition, encompassing a total of 372 verse epigrams. The project's primary objective has been, and continues to be, the transcription, translation, analysis, and categorisation of these poems. Many of these works had remained largely unexplored by modern research until this endeavour. To disseminate the findings, particularly the analysis of poetic topoi (i.e. motifs, themes etc.), communicative situations and stylistic devices, the researchers have collaborated with a web agency to create a dedicated project website. In this lecture, Matthias will introduce the project, elucidate its goals and distinctive requirements and delve a bit into the journey that has brought them to the current stage. He will also discuss their aspirations for the future of this project.

IT Support for Digital Humanities

PHAIDRA Webarchive and Mūsēum – Archiving Solutions for Websites and Web Applications

Éva Gergely is project manager and team lead at Zentraler Informatikdienst. Her main focus lies on national digitisation projects and research data management.

AbstractIn research, but especially in the area of ​​digital humanities, the results of a research project are often published in the form of a web application. When the research project ends, the web application can often no longer be maintained. This leads to various problems such as security issues, poor availability, or others. To solve this problem, the ZID developed mūsēum, an archiving system for dynamic web applications in research.

IT Support for Digital Humanities

Raman Ganguly is head of the IT Support for Research department at the ZID. 

Abstract: The IT Support for Research department of the ZID has a long tradition of supporting digital humanities with different services. Since PHAIDRA began, it has worked closely with research groups to preserve their digitalisation efforts. The department is also responsible for unidam, so they have an open and closed solution for data management. Over the years, the need for infrastructures for the digital humanities that go beyond the preservation of documents and images has been recognised. The department now develops next-generation repositories based on the needs to preserve legacy systems like old wikis and research outcomes held in applications. Moreover, it will continue to collaborate to improve its services in the future.

News and Feedback

Fabian Jusufi, staff member of Coordination Digital Transformation / ZIDadministrator of Microsoft Azure and AWS at the University of Vienna

Michaela Bociurko, IT Communications and Marketing / ZID


Ronald Maier, Vice-Rector Digitalisation and Knowledge Transfer

Michaela Bociurko, IT Communications and Marketing / ZID
Theresa Kalaschek, IT Communications and Marketing / ZID

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