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Topic Info Meeting

If you plan on doing your Bachelor's or Master's thesis/P1/P2 with COSY , 

please attend the topic discussion session for SoSe 2022:

When: Friday   11:00 CET
Where: Währinger Straße 29 - Hörsaal 2

Please prepare yourself for this session:

  • Read the topic descriptions and pick at least 2 topics that spark your interest

  • Write down your associations and assumptions about the topics (e.g. your interests, research questions and methods that come to mind). Ideally, take a first look at the available literature.

     → The better your preparation, the greater the likelihood that we can optimally supervise you (smile)

1. COSY Research Areas

Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)

Networks and Network Security

  • Human Factors and Interaction Design of ICTs
  • Usability, Usable Security, User Research, (Participatory) ideation and iterative prototyping
  • Social Computing, Technology and the cultural domain - “Culture over IP”
  • Ubiquitous and mobile HCI
  • Computer Supported Cooperative World - Social Computing/Social Informatics, Cooperative Systems
  • Computer Networks --- design, operation, and use
  • Internet of Things / Internet of People
  • AAA - Authentication, Authorization, Accounting in IoT ecosystems
  • NEW: Federated Online Social Networks (Fediverse and Mastodon)
  • Decentralized security mechanisms (blockchain, trust, transparency, privacy)

If you are interested in "Praktika" or Bachelor/Master-Theses in the Area of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), please contact:

Oliver Hödl (

If you are interested in "Praktika" or Bachelor/Master-Theses in the Area of Networks and Network Security, please contact:

Albert Rafetseder (albert.rafetseder(at) or

Kaspar Lebloch (kaspar.lebloch(at) or

Paul Fuxjäger (paul.fuxjaeger(at)

2. Current COSY-Thesis/Praktikum-Topics

a. Topics with an HCI-related focus

Smart Subtitles App: Opera.Guru

Opera.Guru is an application suite to provide subtitles for live opera performances. (see for details) The existing application contains a smartphone app (Android/iOS) and a web-based CMS. The task of this thesis is to develop a new web app in addition to the existing smartphone app. The goal of this extension is to use the Opera.Guru application suite for events other than opera and to access new user groups as well as new application scenarios. Basic programming skills and knowledge with mobile, web and server applications (Xamarin for Android/iOS apps, IIS) are recommended. The work for this thesis will include a user study to evaluate the web app.

See the project's website for further information and finished theses about

If you're interested, please contact Oliver Hödl ( and Peter Reichl ( and describe why you are interested in the project and your prior experience.
Neue digitale Musikinstrumente und musikalische Interaktionsformen

Die Elektrifizierung der Gitarre und der Synthesizer haben vor hundert bzw. fünfzig Jahren die Musik drastisch verändert. Heute sind es digitale und mobile Technologien aller Art von Smartphones, über Mikrocomputer bis hin zur Sensortechnik und künstlicher Intelligenz, die Musik, das Musikmachen und den Musikkonsum verändern. Dazu gehören neue digitale Musikinstrumente und Klangwelten genauso wie neue Interaktionsformen in der Live-Musik, die das Publikum mit den Musikern "vernetzen". Aufbauend auf unsere Forschungsprojekte Breaking The Wall ( und Sparkling Instruments ( sowie Music Participation ( bieten sich viele Möglichkeiten für Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten sowie Praktika (P1 und P2) für alle Musik- und Computer-Interessierten.

Wenn Sie sich für dieses Thema im Rahmen Ihrer Bachelor- oder Masterarbeit oder auch Praktika (P1, P2) interessieren, informieren Sie sich bitte über die beiden oben genannten Projekte auf den jeweiligen Seiten und kontaktieren Sie Oliver Hödl ( Ergänzen Sie bitte in Ihrer Anfrage warum Sie dieses Thema interessiert, welchen Bereich Sie konkret untersuchen möchten und welche fachlichen Kenntnisse Sie dabei mitbringen.
Design Cards To Go Web App

Design or method cards are an approach to find inspiration and promote innovation, to think about user needs, behaviour and interaction, to seek for sustainability and to enable gamification and playfulness. The Design Cards To Go Web App ( is a web-based application to provide card sets online. Currently, the app implements the TMAP Design Cards for the design of technology-mediated audience participation in live music. This topic can be done as Bachelor thesis or Praktika (P1, P2).

If you're interested, please contact Oliver Hödl ( and describe why you are interested in the project and your prior experience.
STEAM Learning - Using music instruments for new learning concepts in STEM education
STEAM is an acronym that combines STEM fields (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) with arts and humanities (the "A" in STEAM). The topics around STEAM learning can be hardware-focused such as in the research project Sparkling Instruments ( or software-based. In any way you are working on the development and evaluation of novel concepts for STEAM learning in the context of our research project in this area.
If you're interested, please contact Oliver Hödl ( and describe why you are interested in the project and your prior experience.
Digitalisierung im Ballsaal

Die Wiener Ballsaison ist nicht nur einzigartig und ein besonderes Erlebnis für alle Besucher, sondern auch ein wichtiger Faktor für den Tourismus, die Wirtschaft und das Image der Stadt Wien. Egal ob auf großen oder kleinen Bällen, im Vordergrund stehen Musik, Tanz und Unterhaltung in eleganter Atmosphäre. Doch auch in den Ballsaal hat auch nach über hundert Jahren die digitale Technik Einzug gehalten. Seien es die Smartphones der Besucher, große Bildschirme auf den Gängen, komplexe Lichtshows oder Barcode-Scanner am Eingang statt der herkömmlichen Eintrittskarte. Die Ballbesucher tanzen und unterhalten sich nicht mehr ausschließlich, sondern posten die schönsten Eindrücke online in diversen sozialen Medien. Am Charakter eines Balles selbst hat sich nun nicht viel geändert. Aber die Möglichkeiten zur Kommunikation, Interaktion und letztendlich Unterhaltung in diesem Rahmen sind mehr geworden. Das wirft unmittelbar Fragen auf: Wie können digitale Systeme im Rahmen eines Balles genutzt oder weiterentwickelt werden und welchen Bedarf gibt es? Die konkreten Fragestellungen für eine Abschlussarbeit in diesem Themenkomplex sind vielseitig und können sowohl technischer als auch gestalterischer Natur sein.

Wenn Sie sich für dieses Thema im Rahmen Ihrer Bachelor- oder Masterarbeit oder auch Praktika interessieren, kontaktieren Sie bitte Oliver Hödl ( und ergänzen Sie warum Sie dieses Thema interessiert, welchen Bereich Sie konkret untersuchen möchten und welche fachlichen Kenntnisse Sie dabei mitbringen.
SANDRA - Das sprechende Schlagzeug (vergeben)

The current prototype of the SANDRA project is implemented as a display mounted inside a real bass drum. The display is powered by a Raspberry Pi mini computer that runs a Python program for the visualization. It is connected to the drum kit controller via an Arduino microcontroller that handles the communication using the MIDI standard. Several “sets” containing different visualizations can be selected using a custom interface that is also showing the current set number to the drummer. The visualizations are hard coded into the software at this point.

Further work will include making the software more modular to enable the drummer to easily create new visualizations and sets. A communication form between the Raspberry Pi and the microcontroller will be needed to update its functionalities without having to flash the ROM for every change in the sets. The hardware may also be updated to be redundant as a measure of fault tolerance.

To work within this project is possible as theses (bachelor or master) or praktika (P1 or P2) which can be discussed with the supervisor. Further information is available on the project's website.

If you're interested, please contact Oliver Hödl ( and describe why you are interested in the project and your prior experience.

b. Topics with a Network-related Focus

Federated Online Social Network Monitoring - available

The Mastodon network - currently 4.4 million active accounts on +4000 servers - is regarded as the most successful alternative online social network yet:

Unlike Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok - this service is NOT based on manipulative strategies like targeted advertising and algorithmic outrage maximisation - which are posing imminent threats to democracies worldwide - and for this reason, the network keeps evolving rapidly.

→ However, its decentralized nature creates exciting challenges for monitoring "network health".

Your task is to:

  1. Conduct research on the current state-of-the-art in monitoring of federated network statistics (e.g. nr. of posts per instance over time, blocking events, outages...)
  2. Apply your insights and ingenuity to help improving the situation, e.g.
    1. Aggregation of publicly available statistical data (via mastodon server APIs)
    2. Setup a public monitoring service directory - similar to
    3. Propose new ideas on "how to measure network health" of a federated online social network

Further reading:

Further watching:

PS: Network health monitoring always needs to be done with ethical considerations in mind.

If you're interested, please contact Paul Fuxjäger (paul.fuxjaeger(at)
Promiscuous Mode for the ESP8266 - available

The ESP8266 offers an interesting WiFi-enabled small-scale embedded platform. Your task is to extend the MicroPython firmware available for it to enable its wireless interface's promiscuous mode. This lets an ESP8266 act as a passive WiFi sensing and measurement device. Based on your implementation, you design a distributed experiment with multiple devices that makes use of your new feature, e.g. track WiFi beacons from smartphones across geographical areas in a privacy-preserving manner.

If you're interested, please contact Albert Rafetseder (
Fuzz The OLSR2 Routing Daemon - available

The Optimized Link State Routing protocol version 2 (OLSR2 on GitHub, RFC 7188) is a routing protocol for wireless mesh networks. Your task is to automate tests against OLSR2 that try its functionality and check its correct functioning for a variety of valid and invalid inputs, both from the network and from local configuration. Vectors include the syntax and semantics of OLSR2's RFC 5444-encoded messages, but also any config files that the deamon uses, or the operating system's routing tables (see e.g. Routing Tables of Death). Since OLSR2 aims to run on low-power embedded hardware platforms such as WiFi routers, DoS scenarios (memory / CPU / storage exhaustion) are in scope as well. Additionally, glitches should be analysed for their effect on a practical mesh network of ~10 devices. Since OLSR2 is Free, Libre Open Source Software (FLOSS), you should also disclose responsibly and fix any bugs you may find!

If you're interested, please contact Albert Rafetseder (
A Configurable Études Generator - available
Études are musical pieces designed as practice materials for perfecting particular musical skills (Wikipedia). The skills to be perfected can differ (in difficulty and category) from étude to étude, and are different between instruments, players, and also dimensions of musical content (melody, harmony, rhythm). Develop a sufficiently generic, configurable generator for études that outputs études of choosable difficulty. For this, define a system that encodes the difficulty of a task to be studied, and transformations that assess the difficulty of combinations of study tasks appropriately.
If you're interested, please contact Albert Rafetseder (
Multimedia Coding Efficiency Under Scaling - available
This topic concerns the efficiency of encoders for visual media (JPEG, H.26[45]) when scaling the source media. Your aim is to model how the storage requirements change as the resolution and framerate of the source media changes. The investigation uses source media with extremely high spatial and temporal resolution. Using resampling/pulldown, versions with lower resolutions are created and encoded in order to study the parameter space. Different visual contents provide a further dimension to investigate. Furthermore, you study upsampling methods (such as linear and cubic interpolation) and their impact on encoding efficiency.
If you're interested, please contact Albert Rafetseder (
Routing and upstream/downstream traffic flows in IP networks have certain protocol and time constraints for working correctly. This project investigates challenges and opportunities opened up by making the network's uplink change dynamically, e.g. attach to a different address block while traffic flows are still active. What happens to current-day applications in situations like these? What protocol adaptations are required to lessen the impact of uplink dynamics? What timescales are reasonable for reconvergence? (Etc.)
If you're interested, please contact Albert Rafetseder (
A Calls-for-Papers Metadata System - available

Academic work includes presenting one's research results to the community at conferences and in printed publications. Unfortunately, the dissemination of conference dates, times, places etc. through calls-for-papers happens in an ad-hoc manner, e.g. by e-mail or on websites.

Your task is to design a metadata system for conference organizers that encodes deadlines, keywords, tracks, formats, roles and so on in a structured, machine- and human-readable form and includes interfaces for both professional conference management systems and end-user calendar software. You design both the format for data exchange, and the distributed, federated system architecture that provides a simple implementation path for interested parties (servers and clients).

Furter reading: (a system to encode data for use during conferences),, (iCal)

If you're interested, please contact Albert Rafetseder (
A universal Smart Home API  - available

The Smart Home communication protocol environment is heavily fragmented and many standards compete for integration. Thus, interoperability and unified control are not possible in most cases.  

Your task is to:

  1. Research the most widely used Smart Home communication standards and the corresponding APIs
  2. Design and Develop an API to cover all identified use cases/API calls from all of the aforementioned standard

Your Project should be implemented in a lightweight language such as MicroPython. Experience programming for microcontrollers (Arduino, ESP, NodeMCU) would be a plus.

If you're interested, please contact Kaspar Lebloch (

c. Further Topics

Reverse Engineering a Quantum Computing Educational Toolkit  - available
In unserer Forschungsgruppe entsteht derzeit ein neues Teaching Lab zum Thema "Quantum Computing", das in einem ersten Schritt mit Equipment des Startups betrieben wird. In dieser Arbeit soll untersucht werden, inwieweit der dort gewählte Ansatz, Quantengatter mit Hilfe klassischer Schaltungen zu emulieren, im Sinne eines "Reverse Engineering" reproduziert und ausgebaut werden kann. Hierzu benötigen Sie ein grundsätzliches Verständnis der Eigenschaften von Quantenschaltungen sowie ausgeprägte praktische Fähigkeiten und Geschick im Bereich Hardwarebau, ausserdem viel Selbständigkeit und Fantasie.

If you're interested, please contact Peter Reichl (
Beyond the "Moral Machine" - vergeben

Die am MIT betriebene "Moral Machine" ( ist eine Plattform zur publikumswirksamen Diskussion ethischer Dilemmata in der IKT, z.B. im Kontext von autonomen Fahrzeugen. Im Rahmen des Projekts PANDORA ( werden verwandte Fragestellungen vor dem erweiterten Horizont der langfristigen gesellschaftlichen Entwicklung und im Hinblick auf das zugrundeliegende Menschenbild erforscht, um so aus der Disziplin der Informatik heraus den Diskurs über eine nachhaltige IKT aktiv zu gestalten. In dieser Arbeit soll, basierend auf einer detaillierten Analyse der Moral Machine, hierzu eine web-basierte Plattform entstehen, die deren Konzept im Hinblick auf Fragestellungen aus der philosophischen Anthropologie erweitert.

If you're interested, please contact Peter Reichl ( and describe why you are interested in the project and your related technical and philosophical experience.
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