
Servicedesk Ticket:


Phone / Harald Fuchs:

+43 1 4277 - 520 33

Phone / Michael Hörmann:

+43 1 4277 - 520 35

Phone / Deans Office:

+43 1 4277 - 520 01


1090 Wien

Währingerstraße 38


1 Stock / 1st floor

Raum 2147-W

Located next to the elevator and the small stairway.

About the Universities IT services

IT services for the Faculty for Chemistry at the University of Vienna are provided threefold: Via the ZID (Central Informatics Services), the Faculty IT Support and the Department IT Support. 

The ZID is the umbrella organisation for every IT service at the University. The Faculty Tech Support is the umbrella organisation for the IT services of the faculty. The Department IT Support is the base layer, salt of the earth, down and dirty, direct IT support for the members of the respective departments. In a perfect world, a University member first reads up on the question, then creates a Service-Desk ticket if possible, or calls the Help-Desk, THEN contacts the departments IT representative, and only writes an E-Mail to the faculties IT support if the department tech suppor is unavailable. This tier system is necessary for the support to funcion properly.

The main IT support site - the ZID homepage

ZID Homepage

This site should be your starting point for everything IT related. Whenever a problem pops up, please be so kind and inform yourself first there.

Who to contact?

If you need help, and /or problems arise, there is a preferred and ordered way to go about it:

ZID Homepage

Take to a device with Internet access and inform yourself first. Use the ZID homepage (, the Wiki ( or the faculty homepage ( You could also pester colleagues or the nice people in the departments administration. There is a good possibility to find the information you need there. If your problem is covered by the ZID's Service-Desk, please open a ticket there. To do this you need an uaccount no less.

Department IT support

No luck scouring the Interwebs for help? The first line of defense in IT matters are the department IT support persons. You can look these shy deer up via this Wiki, the faculties home page or via u:find. Please always contact these department representatives first.

ChemIT / IT support of the Faculty for Chemistry

If your IT representatives are in hiding and /or otherwise unavailable, contact the faculty IT support. The preferred method is as of now via E-Mail. Please only call by phone in emergency situations, thank you!


This site is available in English only. 

Any articles, information, etc. in German language are simply not yet translated.

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