A different law applies to universities of applied sciences (Fachhochschulstudiengesetz, FHStG). Your studies are not automatically continued by paying your tuition fee if you are studying at a university of applied sciences (FH) and a university at the same time.

FHs only forward on to the universities that the Students' Union fee has been paid there. If you pay at the FH: About a week after the payment, check u:space > Financial Matters> Tuition Fee/Students' Union Fee to see whether the Students' Union fee has been reported as "received". If this is the case you can re-enrol your studies at the University of Vienna via Studies > Study Overview. If the Students' Union fee has not been reported as "received" and there is no incorrect payment at the FH, please get in touch with us.

The following applies:

  • If you are required to pay the tuition fee at the FH and at the University of Vienna, you have to pay the tuition fee twice. The Students' Union fee is being forwarded.
  • If you are required to pay the tuition fee at the FH and only the Students' Union fee at the University of Vienna, you have to pay the tuition fee (including the Students' Union fee) at the FH. The Students' Union fee is being forwarded to the University where you can re-enrol your studies in u:space.

Further information

Regarding the reimbursement of the Students' Union fee paid twice (including insurance), please contact the Austrian Students' Union directly.