If your payment is not received in u:space after seven days it is likely that something went wrong in the payment process. Please check all data you used in the transfer (compare the semester client code in u:space, check the exact amount, etc…).

In case of an incorrect payment, the bank cannot refer it to the student’s account at the university. As your degree programme is not activated or continued, you will lose your admission.


Which types of incorrect payment exist?

There are various types of incorrect payment:

  1. The semester client code is incorrect or missing.
  2. The semester client code of a past semester was used.
  3. The payment form was filled with correct data, however, the payment has not come through.
  4. A mistake was made in a cash payment.
  5. I used eps online payment and the amount was withdrawn twice by the bank.
  6. The transferred amount was too low/too high.


Option 1: The semester client code is incorrect or missing.

You forgot to enter your semester client code or accidentally entered it in the incorrect field (e.g. “Verwendungszweck” instead of “Zahlungsreferenz”)?

In this case, the bank cannot assign the payment to your student account at the University of Vienna and will return the payment to the bank account of the paying party. This return remittance may incur expenses which will be deducted from the paying party’s account.


Option 2: The semester client code of a past semester was used.

Have you accidentally used the semester client code of a past semester?

In this case, the bank cannot assign the paid amount and will return it to the bank account of the paying party. This return remittance may incur expenses, which will be deducted from the paying party’s account.


Option 3: The payment form was filled with correct data, however, the payment has not come through.

You have filled in the data correctly, however, the payment is not yet visible in u:space after seven days?

Potential sources of error are:

  • Payment at the self-service terminals at your bank
  • The bank employee has not transmitted the semester client code

In this case, the bank cannot assign the paid amount and will return it to the bank account of the paying party. This return remittance may incur expenses, which will be deducted from the paying party’s account.


Option 4: A mistake was made in a cash payment.

Sometimes the semester client code is not transmitted if you pay cash at the bank counter.

In this case, the bank cannot assign the paid amount and will return it to your bank. Please contact the bank branch where you paid your fee.


Option 5: I used eps online payment and the amount was withdrawn twice.

Please contact your bank. Your bank should get in touch with Raiffeisenbank directly. A return remittance is only possible via Raiffeisenbank.


Option 6: The transferred amount was too high/too low.

If the paid amount was too high (e.g. in case of double payment or incorrect prescription), the difference is reimbursed by the University of Vienna after you have applied for reimbursement.
If the paid amount was too low, you have to pay the remaining amount via bank card at the Admission Office until the end of the period of grace. In case you have not paid the remaining amount in due time, you will lose the admission to your degree programme(s) and all claims connected with it (i.e. family allowance, study grant, etc.).