The JET Cluster is growing and growing. It is time to celebrate again. 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

  • Storage attached to VSC5
  • Storage grow by 2.2 PB to 3.5 PB

JET and VSC get married

Since we are really close to VSC, we had this idea to connect the two clusters (JET and VSC). Only separated by one floor. Together with the team of VSC and TU we managed to put some cables into the walls and connect the two rooms with two Infiniband switches. Since we can not join the VSC cluster with our few nodes, and do not want to share these with all the VSC people, we rearranged our cluster to allow a proper separation of interests. We added two more storage servers and three more cluster administrator nodes. The whole process took a few month, but when it was finally ready, it works like a charm!  Thank you EDVDesign and VSC!!!

Now the JET storage is available on VSC5:

  • on VSC5: /gpfs/jetfs/...
  • on JET: /jetfs/...

You do not need to transfer files anymore and maybe crash the whole university network, because of some large data set. slightly smiling face 

Storage extension

The storage system (super heavy) got delivered over summer and was installed from EDVDesign in September. Due to good planing and cooperative colleagues we could just install the the whole thing within one day.

The initialization however took over a week and until the whole thing was available to you it was end of October.

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