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To use BigBlueButton as part of your Moodle course, you first have to integrate it by selecting Add an activity or resource.

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  • add further information under Description. Tick Display description on course page, if you would like the description to be visible under the name of your room.

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In Activity/Room settings you can create a Welcome message which will be shown in the chat after somebody joined the session. You can decide if you want that students have to wait for a moderator can  before they can enter the room; and you can create a waiting room.

If you have chosen Room/Activity with recordings in the instance type settings above, you can authorize that the Session can be recorded.

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You have to activate this function by choosing the checkbox Create guest access link for external participants.

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Further settings need to be configured directly on the activity page of the session (further information: Using the external guest access link).



Uploaded files are automatically visible and downloadable for students in Moodle.

If you do not want this, please upload the file directly in BigBlueButton (see Uploading a presentation).

By doing so, you also have the option to upload further files or even during the session.


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6. In the section Participants you first have to define which Moodle course participants may join the session.

  • All enrolled participants
  • Participants with a specific Role in the course

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  Next, you can set what role they should be given during the session:

  • Moderator: has extensive permissions and leads the session (teachers, tutors)

  • Viewer: participates in the session and can be given more permissions by the moderator (students)

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7.In section Participant's Rights you can grant viewers (≠ moderators) certain rights to actively take part in the session. These are:

  • Share webcam: let other participants see your webcam image
  • See other viewers webcams: see webcam images of all other participants, not only moderators'
  • Share microphone: make your audio available to others
  • Send public chat messages: to chat with all other participants
  • Send private chat messages: send private messages to other participants (sending messages to moderators is always possible)
  • Edit shared notes: use the shared notes feature
  • See other viewers in the users list: see the names of other participants in the session

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These settings can be adjusted later during the session. Read here.



We recommend to always set both a start and end date so that server resources are available for other sessions.

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9. Further options to customise the activity can be found in the sections: Common module settings, Restrict access and Tags. These options include the availability of the activity on the course page and the group mode, for example.


If you use the Group mode, you have to choose one of a few available separate rooms (equal to the existing groups in your Moodle course). Please note, that all participants and moderators have to join the same session/ room in BigBlueButton.

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Otherwise participants will join different rooms and will not see each other there!


  1. Automatically when the time period you specified under Schedule for session ends.

  2. Manually by clicking the End session button on the Moodle page of the session. This button will be displayed on the right-hand side of the “Join” button as soon as a session is started (see screenshot).

  3. You can also end a session from inside the session by clicking on the "End meeting" in the menu on the top right corner.
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Part 2 - Using BigBlueButton


titledata saving mode

In the right upper corner you can view your connection status: green with good, violet with medium and red with bad connection.

There's also more information available if you click on the connection symbol

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If your internet connection is unstable, you can switch on the data saving mode. In this mode, all webcam streams are switched off and only the presentation is shown.

To activate the data saving mode:

  1. Click in the BBB window on the right top menu and open the entry Settings.
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  2. Choose data savings and deselect the options webcams and/or desktop sharing.
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  3. Click Save to return to your session.


You can find tools to interact with your slides with on the right-hand side in the middle.

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Click the hand to change tools. The following tools are available:


Moderators of BBB-sessions can create a breakout session by clicking the gear icon in the panel on the left and choosing the option Create breakout rooms.

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A window appears, where you can select from the following settings:

  • the number of the breakout rooms (2–8)
  • the duration of the working phase in the breakout rooms
  • whether participants will be allowed to choose by themselves, which room to join
  • an option for an automatic random distribution of participants to rooms
  • the possibility to assign rooms to participant by hand

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You can leave the field Duration empty if you are unsure, when to end the breakout sessions. To close the breakout rooms and redirect all participants back to the main room, please click on the option Breakout Rooms in the menu on the left and choose End all breakout rooms.

As a moderator, you can also browse through the rooms and ask, whether more time is needed to finish the tasks in the breakout rooms.


If moderators allowed participants to change rooms by themselves, they can also change the rooms by choosing Breakout rooms in the panel on the left. Moderators can also end the breakout sessions by clicking End all breakout rooms.

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Editing participant permissions
