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titleTopic Info Meeting

If you plan on doing your Bachelor's or Master's thesis/P1/P2 with COSY, 


we invite you visit the current semester's COSY seminar (u:find link):

  • (Dates for WiSe 2024/2025 are TBD!)

For an actual agreement on supervision, please attend the topic discussion session for WiSe 2024/2025:


Thursday 16:30

TBD (October 2024)

 Seminarraum 11, Währingerstrasse 29, 1090 Wien


Please prepare yourself for this session:

  • Read the topic descriptions and pick at least 2 topics that spark your interest

  • Write down your associations and assumptions about the topics (e.g. your interests, research questions and methods that come to mind). Ideally, take a first look at the available literature.

     → The better your preparation, the greater the likelihood that we can optimally supervise you (smile)


Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)

Computer Networks and Network SecurityAlternative Social Media

  • Human Factors and Interaction Design of ICTs
  • Usability, Usable Security, User Research, (Participatory) ideation and iterative prototyping
  • Social Computing, Technology and the cultural domain - “Culture over IP”
  • Ubiquitous and mobile HCI
  • Computer Supported Cooperative World - Social Computing/Social Informatics, Cooperative Systems
  • Computer Networks --- design, operation, and use
  • Internet of Things, Internet of People
  • Decentralization
  • NEW: Federated Online Social Networks (Fediverse and Mastodon)

If you are interested in "Praktika" or Bachelor/Master-Theses in the Area of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), please contact:

Oliver Hödl (

Florian Güldenpfennig (

If you are interested in "Praktika" or Bachelor/Master-Theses in the Area of Networks and Network Security, please contact:

Albert Rafetseder (albert.rafetseder(at) or

Paul Fuxjäger (paul.fuxjaeger(at)


Digitalisierung im Ballsaal - available

Die Wiener Ballsaison ist nicht nur einzigartig und ein besonderes Erlebnis für alle Besucher, sondern auch ein wichtiger Faktor für den Tourismus, die Wirtschaft und das Image der Stadt Wien. Egal ob auf großen oder kleinen Bällen, im Vordergrund stehen Musik, Tanz und Unterhaltung in eleganter Atmosphäre. Doch auch in den Ballsaal hat auch nach über hundert Jahren die digitale Technik Einzug gehalten. Seien es die Smartphones der Besucher, große Bildschirme auf den Gängen, komplexe Lichtshows oder Barcode-Scanner am Eingang statt der herkömmlichen Eintrittskarte. Die Ballbesucher tanzen und unterhalten sich nicht mehr ausschließlich, sondern posten die schönsten Eindrücke online in diversen sozialen Medien. Am Charakter eines Balles selbst hat sich nun nicht viel geändert. Aber die Möglichkeiten zur Kommunikation, Interaktion und letztendlich Unterhaltung in diesem Rahmen sind mehr geworden. Das wirft unmittelbar Fragen auf: Wie können digitale Systeme im Rahmen eines Balles genutzt oder weiterentwickelt werden und welchen Bedarf gibt es? Die konkreten Fragestellungen für eine Abschlussarbeit in diesem Themenkomplex sind vielseitig und können sowohl technischer als auch gestalterischer Natur sein.

Wenn Sie sich für dieses Thema im Rahmen Ihrer Bachelor- oder Masterarbeit oder auch Praktika interessieren, kontaktieren Sie bitte Oliver Hödl ( und ergänzen Sie warum Sie dieses Thema interessiert, welchen Bereich Sie konkret untersuchen möchten und welche fachlichen Kenntnisse Sie dabei mitbringen.
Data Visualization on Small
Displays -

The objective of this Praktikum or Bachelor's Thesis is to explore how sensor readings, such as energy data, can be displayed on small devices (e.g., 240 x 240 pixels) to offer users interesting information on small gadgets in their daily lives.

The topic may also be expanded into a master's thesis if applicable.

Programming microcontrollers using the Arduino IDE and relevant display libraries will be essential for this projectusing the Arduino IDE and relevant display libraries will be essential for this project.

 If you are interested in this topic, please contact
Interaction Logger for User Studies - available

When evaluating interactive applications such as web applications, mobile apps, smart IoT gadgets, etc., the interactions of the users play a crucial role. To be able to analyze these within user studies, they must be logged (e.g., by calling a URL on a study server, provided the interactive application is connected to the Internet). Later, this information becomes invaluable in research contexts.

The goal of this work is to develop an interaction logger for user studies as a web application (technology stack of your choice). The project can be conducted as a bachelor’s thesis, master’s thesis, or "Informatik Praktikum". For the latter, a concept should be developed as an interactive prototype. For a bachelor’s or master’s thesis, interviews with (professional) developers and researchers should first be conducted to determine their needs when logging in the context of user studies, and these needs should then be implemented as a prototype.

This work is suitable for students with an interest in user research and web development.

 If you are interested in this topic, please contact
Visualization of the Problem Space of Data-Driven Services - available

The goal of this bachelor's thesis or "Informatik Praktikum" is to create an (interactive) visualization that depicts the problem space and possibilities surrounding energy data in the development of innovative applications. In recent years, there have been intensive efforts to centralize the consumption data of energy consumers in Europe into shared data-spaces. This has led to a landscape with a variety of innovative business models and use cases.

The work is divided into two parts. First, the problem space needs to be explored. We have conducted and transcribed a series of interviews. These documents need to be evaluated, and if necessary, supplementary literature research should be conducted.
In the second step, the findings should be visualized, for example, using D3.js, although the choice of technology is ultimately up to the student.

This work is particularly suitable for students who want to dive into qualitative data analysis and then creatively explore the presentation of the results.

 If you are interested in this topic, please contact

b. Topics with a Network-related Focus

"The State of the Federation, with Mastodon's Eugen Rochko"

Further watching: "Die rosarote Brille des Fediverse" Further watching:

If you are interested in the future of online social networking systems (democratically legitimised moderation and algorithms + resistance against spam, censorship, denial-of-service...) then this topic may be something for you (smile)

Federated Online Social Network Monitoring - available

The Mastodon network - currently around 1.5  million monthly active accounts on +10000 servers - is regarded as the most successful alternative online social network yet:

Unlike Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok - this service is NOT based on manipulative strategies like targeted advertising and algorithmic outrage maximisation - which are posing imminent threats to democracies worldwide - and for this reason, the network keeps evolving rapidly.

→ However, its decentralized nature creates exciting challenges for monitoring "network health".

Your task is to:

  1. Conduct research on the current state-of-the-art in monitoring of federated network statistics (e.g. nr. of posts per instance over time, blocking events, outages...)
  2. Apply your insights and ingenuity to help improving the situation, e.g.
    1. Aggregation of publicly available statistical data (via mastodon server APIs)
    2. Setup a public monitoring service directory, similar to these:
    3. Propose new ideas on "how to measure network health" of a federated online social network

Further reading:

Further watching:

Widget Connector
If you're interested, please contact Paul Fuxjäger (paul.fuxjaeger(at)


iLO Hacking - available

Server hardware includes management interfaces to remote-control the hardware and BIOS of a server even if the main operating system or hypervisor becomes inaccessible through usual means such as ssh. For this, a fully separate embedded system is built into the server. It provides its own firmware and operating system, RAM, storage, a separate physical Ethernet port, and low-level access to the running server hardware (e.g. fan and power supply status) and software (e.g. main memory of the server).

Little is known about the actual software comprising these management interfaces, although (mostly-informal) investigations have been conducted, e.g. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. Feel free to research other projects, useful search terms include iLO, IPMI, iDRAC, LOM, OOB, BMC...

In this project, you aim to expand and formalize this knowledge by trying out existing and developing new methods of analyzing and modifying firmware of management interfaces. A distant goal could be a fully free and open-source operating system, e.g. based on OpenWrt, for a management controller. We have multiple HP servers from different generations at our disposal for hardware analysis and hacking.

If you're interested, please contact Albert Rafetseder (

A Configurable Études Generator -
Études are musical pieces designed as practice materials for perfecting particular musical skills (Wikipedia). The skills to be perfected can differ (in difficulty and category) from étude to étude, and are different between instruments, players, and also dimensions of musical content (melody, harmony, rhythm). Develop a sufficiently generic, configurable generator for études that outputs études of choosable difficulty. For this, define a system that encodes the difficulty of a task to be studied, and transformations that assess the difficulty of combinations of study tasks appropriately.
If you're interested, please contact Albert Rafetseder (
