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Comment: manz,linde,lexisnexis all require ePSA



We'd prefer the number of library services using eduPerson(Scoped)Affiliation to be zero, since using the "common-lib-terms" eduPersonEntitlement is advantageous for eveyone involved: the SP, the IDP and the federation operator (or federation operators, globally). So the ones services listed below are where we (as an academic community) failed to communicate those benefits cleary and consistently (or it just fell on deaf ears) – with the exception of a handful of SPs that treat different populations differently and therefore require affiliation attributes.

Code Block
titleRelease eduPersonScopedAffiliation by enumerating SPs that don't support entitlements
<AttributeFilterPolicy id="LibrarySPsScopedAffiliation">
    <PolicyRequirementRule xsi:type="OR">
        <Rule xsi:type="Requester" value="" />
        <Rule xsi:type="Requester" value="" />
        <Rule xsi:type="Requester" value="" />
        <Rule xsi:type="Requester" value="" />
        <Rule xsi:type="Requester" value="" />
        <Rule xsi:type="Requester" value="" />
        <Rule xsi:type="Requester" value="" />
        <Rule xsi:type="Requester" value="" />
        <Rule xsi:type="Requester" value="" />
        <Rule xsi:type="Requester" value="" />
    <AttributeRule attributeID="eduPersonScopedAffiliation">
        <PermitValueRule xsi:type="OR">
            <Rule xsi:type="Value" value="student"  ignoreCase="true" />
            <Rule xsi:type="Value" value="staff"    ignoreCase="true" />
            <Rule xsi:type="Value" value="faculty"  ignoreCase="true" />
            <Rule xsi:type="Value" value="employee" ignoreCase="true" />
            <Rule xsi:type="Value" value="member"   ignoreCase="true" />
