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Serious Gaming in Mental e-Health - vergeben

Diese Bachelorarbeit ist eine Zusammenarbeit mit einem Studierenden der klinischen Psychologie. Gegenstand ist die Entwicklung und Evaluation einer Smartphone-Applikation, die mithilfe einer Kombination verschiedener psychologisch erprobter Methoden die mentale Gesundheit bei Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen verbessern soll. Während der klinisch-psychologische Teil der Bachelorarbeit sich mit den klinisch-psychologischen Konzepten und der Durchführung der Evaluation auseinandersetzt, wird der informatische Teil die Entwicklung eines motivationalen Konzeptes (Serious Gaming) und die Umsetzung der App mittels eines User Centered Design Cycles umfassen. In einem iterativen soll die Usability der App schrittweise verbessert werden, sodass am Ende des gemeinsamen Aufwandes ein funktionierender App-Prototyp steht.

Voraussetzungen: HCI-Vorlesung muss besucht worden sein, Kenntnisse in Programmierung für Android erforderlich

If you're interested, please contact Svenja Schröder (

Interface and Interaction Design of a Web Application for ABAC-enabled Smart-Home management -

In the context of the COSY IoT-Lab, a first prototype of a web application was developed, which enables users to manage Smart-Home devices securely via access policies. Interface and Interaction Design of this prototype is not yet up to the task. As a next step, it is necessary to iterate on this prototype and its ABAC policy concept, enhance its interface and interaction design and conduct a user study to validate it,

For this topic, you will (1) conduct a literature and related work analysis around interfaces for related smart home systems, (2) familiarize yourself with the Smart Home solution currently under development in our research group and the existing web app prototype, (3) develop a novel concept of interface and interaction design that suits both the web interface and the requirements of usable design of security measures, (4) implement your concept as a next interation of the web app prototype and (5) validate your results with a small user study.

Testing and verification will be conducted in the COSY:Lab using existing equipment and development and verification environment.

If you're interested, please contact Nemanja Ignjatov ( and Christian Löw (


Chat-bots as the (chat) window to your Smart-Home environment - vergeben

This topic aims at utilizing a chatbot-type agent to interact with users of a Smart-Home environment. A conversation-based interaction/service design is to be designed to support Smart-Home-related tasks, such as (1) adding and removing IoT-devices to the Smart Home, (2) effective management of access and security policies (ABAC), (3) everyday usage.

Your task is to create a chat-bot interaction/service design with regard to usability-related qualities (simplicity, usable and understandable security features) and meaningful features, and make use of the existing Smart-Home setting of COSY:Lab to develop a chat-bot prototype for this context. A small user trial should then collect feedback and test for conceptual feasibility and usability.

If you're interested, please contact Christian Löw ( and Nemanja Ignjatov (

Social Computing meets the Smart Environment: COSY Healthy-Living Bot: Supporting users with pursuing meaningful fitness goals -

This thesis is about interaction design and prototypical implementation of a chat-bot which supports a healthy lifestyle. A prototype exists already, and your core job is to incorporate motivational design, e.g. by means of gamification, in order to support the user with finding meaningful fitness goals. To achieve this, you can make full use of the existing prototype feature-set (already integrated APIs: Google Calendar, Fitbit, Recipe API, Work-Out API) and extend it if necessary.

If you're interested, please contact Christian Löw (


Social Computing meets the Smart Environment: COSY Healthy-Living Bot: Usability Evaluation - open

This thesis is about usability evaluation of a chat-bot which supports a healthy lifestyle. Your core job is to conduct a usability study on an existing prototype. This will include group discussions with users and a questinaire-based evaluation of usage practice.

Note: This topic is only available as P1/P2.

If you're interested, please contact Christian Löw (

Social Software meets the Internet of Things (IoT): Sensors and/or displays for a Smart Grätzel community platform -

This thesis is about interaction design and prototyping of a community platform ("Smart Grätzel") that incorporates IoT devices. This thesis comprises (1) defining a social software concept that supports a given community by incorporating software (e.g. a web-platform, a chat-bot) and IoT devices (e.g sensors or displays), (2) creating a prototype, (3) conducting a small user trial to explore/validate meaning from a user perspective.

If you're interested, please contact Christian Löw (

Chat-bots as Adaptive Interfaces: Personalizing interaction? -

This topic is about personalized services. With interfaces getting more and more "smart", possibilities for adaptive functionality and adaptive interaction concepts widen, taking into account the users' preferences, current state or overall personality. This points to the question: Can adapting to situative states and/or personal attributes of a user improve the user experience, usability and overall "successful" usage of a software?

This thesis comprises (1) the identification of a suitable setting for a comparative study (e.g. see Grätzelbot topics, Healthy-Living-Bot topics, or your own topic), (2) the enhancement of the respective user-interface to support adaptive behavior/interaction design, (3) the realization of a comparative usability/user experience study.

Note: This topic is only available as P1/P2 or Master's Thesis.

If you're interested, please contact Christian Löw (

Social Software for Computer-Supported Community-Building -

This topic is about computer-supported community building. Social networks emanate from purposeful social mingling and interaction and can bring about significant positive social change, a process that can be specifically supported and nurtured, e.g. as described by Plastrik and Taylor (1). While the authors have created their framework before there were social networks like Facebook on the Internet, it seems clear that today's technology can add a lot to this effort.

This thesis is about (1) creating a social software concept that supports the building of ad-hoc social communities, following Plastrik and Taylors approach, and investigating how the specific network goals defined by them can be supported by ICT, (2) prototyping this concept and (3) conducting a small user trial to test for conceptual feasibility.


Note: This topic is only available as P1/P2 or Master's Thesis.

If you're interested, please contact Christian Löw (


A youth perspective on social networks - co-designing a social network with children - open

While social networks are very popular among younger people, none of them have been designed from their perspective, putting them first. This topic is about designing a social network from the perspective of youth/young persons. The thesis comprises (1) the participatory design of a social network concept that is based in the interests, wishes and needs of young persons, (2) the prototypical realization of this concept, (3) conducting a small user trial to validate the prototype.

Note: This topic is only available as P1/P2 or and Master's Thesis.

If you're interested, please contact Christian Löw (


ScoutApp - A social smartphone application for scouting - open

This thesis is about designing and creating a smart phone application that supports activities undertaken by the scouts, a worldwide youth movement. The functionality can focus around different areas: (1) An outdoor, location-based gaming application, (2) a social diary aimed at collecting experiences, (3) an application that supports connecting scouts worldwide, ..

The thesis comprises (1) the design of an application concept (2) the prototypical realization of this concept, (3) conducting a small user trial with members of the scout movement to validate the prototype.

Note: This topic is only available as P1/P2 or and Master's Thesis.

If you're interested, please contact Christian Löw (
