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SANDRA - Das sprechende Schlagzeug

The current prototype of the SANDRA project is implemented as a display mounted inside a real bass drum. The display is powered by a Raspberry Pi mini computer that runs a Python program for the visualization. It is connected to the drum kit controller via an Arduino microcontroller that handles the communication using the MIDI standard. Several “sets” containing different visualizations can be selected using a custom interface that is also showing the current set number to the drummer. The visualizations are hard coded into the software at this point.

Further work will include making the software more modular to enable the drummer to easily create new visualizations and sets. A communication form between the Raspberry Pi and the microcontroller will be needed to update its functionalities without having to flash the ROM for every change in the sets. The hardware may also be updated to be redundant as a measure of fault tolerance.

To work within this project is possible as theses (bachelor or master) or praktika (P1 or P2) which can be discussed with the supervisor. Further information is available on the project's website.

If you're interested, please contact Oliver Hödl ( and describe why you are interested in the project and your prior experience.

Virtual classrooms in Physics Education

Virtual learning environments using cutting-edge technologies such as augmented and virtual reality promise to be the future of remote and online learning. This master thesis casts a critical look at both the technical and pedagogical feasibility of such solutions. An innovative approach to virtual classrooms in physics education is designed in a process with stakeholders (teachers, learners, policy makers), prototypically implemented and evaluated to outline guidelines for future learning technology in this space.

Experience in developing AR or VR applications is needed.

If you're interested, please contact Oliver Hödl ( and Fares Kayali ( and describe why you are interested in the project and your prior experience.

Digital Tools to further Critical Thinking and Democratic Empowerment among Youth

Recently, the openness of the Internet has been blamed for the rise of populist, anti-democratic tendencies. It is hard to deny that, as an open medium equally accessible to all, the Internet enables all kinds of hate speech, fake news, conspiracy theories and manipulative writing. Most famously, the filter bubble phenomenon is said to have had massive impact on recent democratic decisions like BREXIT and the US presidential election. The main question this thesis (and for society and science) is: How can we use a free and open Internet to counteract these tendencies? How can the Internet be used to promote more self-reflective, critical engagement and support democracy, transparency and equal rights for everybody, instead of hampering and restricting these ideas? This thesis’ goal is to explore digital tools and strategies that use the unique structure of the Internet to further youths’ critical reflection and thus advance openness and promote democracy in order to counter narrow-minded, authoritarian and segregative tendencies in society.

If you're interested, please contact Oliver Hödl ( and Fares Kayali ( and describe why you are interested in the project and your prior experience.

Digital Game-based Learning and Long-term Engagement

Over the last years game-based learning and gamified learning environments have become respected means of teaching, in particular in project- and challenge-based teaching and learning. At the same time it is doubtful how such digital learning experiences can be inclusive for different target audiences (e.g. by addressing all genders) how they can sustain engagement with the learning contents, and what the points are where people disengage from learning with game-based technologies. This master thesis looks at these questions by implementing and evaluating a game-based learning intervention, which addresses these problems.

App development and/or game development skills are needed for this thesis.

If you're interested, please contact Oliver Hödl ( and Fares Kayali ( and describe why you are interested in the project and your prior experience.

Learning Modules for Using Digital Music Instruments in STEM Education

In the Sparkling Instruments projects a method of project-based teaching was developed, where across a series of workshops students built digital music instruments to further music literacy and knowledge in STEM subjects. The thesis is concerned with turning the insights of the project into tangible small learning modules for secondary school teaching.

This topic requires an interest in or prior experience with didactics and creating learning materials. Knowledge of electronics and digital music making is beneficial.

More information about the project:

If you're interested, please contact Oliver Hödl ( and Fares Kayali ( and describe why you are interested in the project and your prior experience.

New Learning Materials for Understanding the Societal Impact of Internet of Things Technologies

The project COMPASS aims at exploring how to navigate the vast opportunity space of IoT towards creating applications that are valuable, meaningful, empowering and trustworthy, maximize their utility and reflect responsible innovation. It provides the foundations to make a significant first step towards developing tools for business to create such technology, for policy makers to develop the necessary legislative environment, and for research to fill the knowledge gaps and define future agendas accordingly. This thesis looks at how the insights from of the project can be turned into new learning materials for university education and continuing education of university lectures. This topic requires a strong interest in or prior experience with didactics and creating learning materials and an understanding of Internet of Things devices.

If you're interested, please contact Oliver Hödl ( and Fares Kayali ( and describe why you are interested in the project and your prior experience.


Im Rahmen der Entwicklung hin zu einer "Hochgeschwindigkeitsdemokratie" arbeiten wir an einer eParticipation-Plattform mit, die zur vermehrten Einbindung interessierter BürgerInnen in politische, insbesondere parlamentarische Prozesse führen soll. Das Spektrum reicht dabei von Ideenfindungsprozessen bis hin zur Kommentierung von Gesetzesvorlagen. Besonders interessant sind dabei Konzepte zur nachhaltigen Beteiligung und zur Überwindung der Schwelle zwischen physischer und Online-Diskussion.

If you're interested, please contact Peter Reichl (


Blockchain-based Smart Home device registry - open

"Use blockchain to make services, features and bugs of IoT devices transparent to all users!"

Implement blockchain-based storage for all types of sensors, which are used inside of Smart Home framework.

This storage should contain information on supported functionalities on the devices, combined with firmware versions of sensors. Moreover, this registry should support option of providing client-side feedback on some sensor services and whether they work properly, so that other Smart Home framework users can become more aware of possible malfunctions and/or security breaches inside their Smart Homes.

Ultimate goal is to achieve trust reputation network, which would make perfect match with blochain properties, such as : backward traceability, immutability and transparency.

If you're interested, please contact Nemanja Ignjatov (

Mobile Application for Smart Home device management and control - open

Goal of this thesis is to extend existing Android application with interfaces for device management and control.

In order to achieve that goal, special attention will be given to the interface and interaction design, as well as introducing novel concepts in order to simplify device management in Smart Home environment.

Once the design phase and implementation of the solution are done, overall solution should be evaluated through small group user trials.

Complete solution of this thesis will be integrated and tested in the existing COSYLab framework, develope in the Cooperative Systems Research Group.

If you're interested, please contact Nemanja Ignjatov ( and Christian Löw (

Traffic And Load Models For ISM- And SRD-Band LoRa
LoRa is an emerging proprietary physical-layer modulation technology for IoT WANs; LoRaWAN adds gateways and network uplink to bridge Things to the Internet. This project proposes to investigate traffic on the frequency bands locally used for LoRa (see for example ) and suggest spatial, spectral, and traffic load models for this new type of data communication. Collaboration with Vienna's community-driven, partipatory LoRaWAN installation by is welcome.
If you're interested, please contact Albert Rafetseder (
