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Im Rahmen der Entwicklung hin zu einer "Hochgeschwindigkeitsdemokratie" arbeiten wir an einer eParticipation-Plattform mit, die zur vermehrten Einbindung interessierter BürgerInnen in politische, insbesondere parlamentarische Prozesse führen soll. Das Spektrum reicht dabei von Ideenfindungsprozessen bis hin zur Kommentierung von Gesetzesvorlagen. Besonders interessant sind dabei Konzepte zur nachhaltigen Beteiligung und zur Überwindung der Schwelle zwischen physischer und Online-Diskussion.

If you're interested, please contact Peter Reichl (

CoCoVis: Visualizing Multi-Sensorial Time Series Data (together with Prof. Torsten Möller) - open

The CoConUT project ( features smartphone apps which collect sensor data (location, speed, noise, nearby Bluetooth devices, heart rate, etc.) for each participant during mobile field studies. Result is a time series which shows information about the context and possibly interesting events the field study participants encountered („Why did the participant slow down on the corner?“, „Why were so many people present nearby during this time period?“, etc.). The data sets hereby consist of sensor data collected during a field study on the participants' smartphones. These time series data should be visualized and enriched by meaningful analyses to enable exploration and potentially reasoning.



data set consists of sensor data which is collected each second during a field study on the participant’s smartphone. The app can be downloaded from the App Store and you can create your own data sets:

implementation part of this project is heavily Java-centric, so experience in practical programming in the Java ecosystem is required!

If youIf you're interested, please contact Svenja Schröder (
Bursts of Interaction across App Types and Times of Day

Oulasvirta et al. (2005) showed that interaction during mobile web browsing occured in "interaction bursts" of 4 seconds. Although this research happened more than 10 years ago, today mobile interaction in the wild still happens in "bursts" due to contextual factors. In this work a study app will be developed which enables long time measurements of interaction bursts across app types (web browsing, chatting, etc.) and across times of day in the background of the participants' smartphones. This data will be gathered and analyzed in order to show patterns in interaction, e.g. different types of interaction "bursts".

If you're interested, please contact Svenja Schröder (

Serious Gaming in Mental e-Health - offen

Diese Bachelorarbeit ist eine Zusammenarbeit mit einem Studierenden der klinischen Psychologie. Gegenstand ist die Entwicklung und Evaluation einer Smartphone-Applikation, die mithilfe einer Kombination verschiedener psychologisch erprobter Methoden die mentale Gesundheit bei Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen verbessern soll. Während der klinisch-psychologische Teil der Bachelorarbeit sich mit den klinisch-psychologischen Konzepten und der Durchführung der Evaluation auseinandersetzt, wird der informatische Teil die Entwicklung eines motivationalen Konzeptes (Serious Gaming) und die Umsetzung der App umfassen. In einem iterativen Usability Engineering Prozess soll gegen Ende der Arbeit die Usability verbessert und die App schrittweise verbessert werden, sodass am Ende des gemeinsamen Aufwandes ein funktionierender App-Prototyp steht.

The mechanics of Digital Paper Chase: GeoCaching under the Microscope
GeoCaching is still a very popular recreational activity among all sorts of geeks and non-geeks, since it combines solving puzzles, mastering technology and physical activity all while being outdoors. While there a lot of good geocaching apps (c:geo, GCC), some features are still missing, for example an app of easy discovery of trackables for Android (see TBScan for iOS).
In this thesis you will develop an Android app for Geocaching and conduct a user study in the field to find out more about current geocaching practices. In this new app you will additionally collect anonymized data about usage behavior and context in the field, which you will then analyze to gain a deeper understanding about current geocaching practices. (Oh, and it's a bonus if you're already a geocacher! But it's not a must.)

If you're interested, please contact Svenja Schröder (
