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Smart Subtitles App: Opera.Guru - available

Opera.Guru is an application suite to provide subtitles for live opera performances. (see for details) The existing application contains a web-based frontend and smartphone app (Android/iOS) and a web-based CMS. The task of this thesis is to add new funcionality and improve existing ones. The goal of this extension is to use the Opera.Guru application suite for events other than opera and to access new user groups as well as new application scenarios. Basic programming skills and knowledge with mobile, web and server applications are recommended. The work for this thesis will include a user study to evaluate the web app.

See the project's website for further information and finished theses about

If you're interested, please contact Peter Reichl ( , Kaspar Lebloch ( and Oliver Hödl ( and describe why you are interested in the project and your prior experience.


EDDIE - European Distributed Data Infrastructure for Energy - available
There is an increasing need for energy-related technological innovation. Concerning computer science, more and more energy data-based services emerge within and beyond the energy sector, enabled by technological advance as well as the continuous revision of European legislation. COSY will be involved in the design, development and evaluation of new energy-related software services, which are data-driven and human-centred to target and support customers in the best possible way. Possible research activities for the resulting prototypes (e.g., smartphone apps, smart IoT devices) range from soft- and hardware development to user research to support the social acceptance of new energy technologies and increase participation of consumers in energy-related services.
If you're interested in this topic for your master thesis, bachelor thesis or practicum (P1, P2), please contact Oliver Hödl ( or Florian Güldenpfennig ( and describe why you are interested in the topic and your prior experience.

User Interface Design for EDDIE - available
We are looking for a committed student with an affinity for design or web design who would like to accompany the EDDIE project described above as part of a bachelor's or master's thesis or practicum with a focus on user interface design. In the described project a number of user interfaces will be created, for example, a market place for offering a variety of digital services. In order to contribute to the sustainable success of the project, the student should contribute to the design, analysis and evaluation of these interfaces. Interested persons should work independently and enjoy design: e.g. wireframes, user interface design guidelines, visual design.
If you're interested in this topic for your master thesis, bachelor thesis or practicum (P1, P2), please contact Florian Güldenpfennig ( and describe why you are interested in the topic and your prior experience.

Designing Tangible Interfaces and Interactive Systems with Lego bricks - available
Bricks, in particular Lego, are - apart from being a toy - diversly and beneficially used because of their tangible and modular nature that offers a haptic experience and wideranging applicability, e.g., for design, creative thinking or idea finding. However, there is also rich potential to develop interactive brick-built models or turn pure tangible models into interactive systems. One particular useful example is The Playel, which is a Lego Grand Piano turned into a fully MIDI-compliant keyboard. Working on this topic does not require any musical background or special electronic skills, but certainly interest in (re-)building Lego brick models, tinkering and embedded systems (e.g., Arduino, RaspberryPi).
If you're interested in this topic for your master thesis, bachelor thesis or practicum (P1, P2), please contact Oliver Hödl ( and describe why you are interested in the topic and your prior experience.


A Calls-for-Papers Metadata System - available

Academic work includes presenting one's research results to the community at conferences and in printed publications. Unfortunately, the dissemination of conference dates, times, places etc. through calls-for-papers happens in an ad-hoc manner, e.g. by e-mail or on websites.

Your task is to design a metadata system for conference organizers that encodes deadlines, keywords, tracks, formats, roles and so on in a structured, machine- and human-readable form and includes interfaces for both professional conference management systems and end-user calendar software. You design both the format for data exchange, and the distributed, federated system architecture that provides a simple implementation path for interested parties (servers and clients).

Furter reading: (a system to encode data for use during conferences),, (iCal)

If you're interested, please contact Albert Rafetseder (

A universal Smart Home API  - 

The Smart Home communication protocol environment is heavily fragmented and many standards compete for integration. Thus, interoperability and unified control are not possible in most cases.  

Your task is to:

  1. Research the most widely used Smart Home communication standards and the corresponding APIs
  2. Design and Develop an API to cover all identified use cases/API calls from all of the aforementioned standard

Your Project should be implemented in a lightweight language such as MicroPython. Experience programming for microcontrollers (Arduino, ESP, NodeMCU) would be a plus.

If you're interested, please contact Kaspar Lebloch (



c. Further Topics

Reverse Engineering a Quantum Computing Educational Toolkit  - available
In unserer Forschungsgruppe entsteht derzeit ein neues Teaching Lab zum Thema "Quantum Computing", das in einem ersten Schritt mit Equipment des Startups betrieben wird. In dieser Arbeit soll untersucht werden, inwieweit der dort gewählte Ansatz, Quantengatter mit Hilfe klassischer Schaltungen zu emulieren, im Sinne eines "Reverse Engineering" reproduziert und ausgebaut werden kann. Hierzu benötigen Sie ein grundsätzliches Verständnis der Eigenschaften von Quantenschaltungen sowie ausgeprägte praktische Fähigkeiten und Geschick im Bereich Hardwarebau, ausserdem viel Selbständigkeit und Fantasie.

If you're interested, please contact Peter Reichl (
