Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Comment: link cron module docs


Code Block
$config = array(
    'sets' => array(
        'aconet' => array(
            'cron' => array('hourly', 'daily'),
            'sources' => array(
                    #'blacklist' => array(
                    #    '',
                    #'whitelist' => array(
                    #    'http://some.uni/idp',
                    #    'http://some.other.uni/idp',
                    'conditionalGET' => TRUE,
                    'src' => '',
                    'certificates' => array('aconet-metadata-signing.crt'),
                    'types' => array('saml20-idp-remote'),
            'expireAfter'  => 60*60*24*3, // Maximum 3 days cache time
            'outputDir'    => 'metadata/aconetfederation/',
            'outputFormat' => 'flatfile',

That way the metadata will be put into files within a separate sub-directory of the default metadata directory, leaving the existing files in the default metadata directory for other, manually managed entities. In order for SimpleSAMLphp to find these files you'll have to adjust its metadata configuration by adding another metadata source location:

Code Block
'metadata.sources' => array(
    array('type' => 'flatfile'),
    array('type' => 'flatfile', 'directory' => 'metadata/aconetfederation/'), // add this line!

TBD: Setting For setting up the required cron module please follow the upstream documentation for now.

SAML SP details

By default there's no easy way to process persistent SAML NameIDs the same way as SAML attributes. Using an authproc filter like the one below fixes this:
