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titleTopic Info Meeting

If you plan on doing your Bachelor's or Master's thesis/P1/P2 with COSY , 

please attend the general topic Q&A session for WiSe 2021/22:



Friday   16:45-18:15



Please make sure to come prepared, i.e. you have read and reflected on the topic descriptions regarding the topics you are interested in.



A Calls-for-Papers Metadata System - available

Academic work includes presenting one's research results to the community at conferences and in printed publications. Unfortunately, the dissemination of conference dates, times, places etc. through calls-for-papers happens in an ad-hoc manner, e.g. by e-mail or on websites.

Your task is to design a metadata system for conference organizers that encodes deadlines, keywords, tracks, formats, roles and so on in a structured, machine- and human-readable form and includes interfaces for both professional conference management systems and end-user calendar software. You design both the format for data exchange, and the distributed, federated system architecture that provides a simple implementation path for interested parties (servers and clients).

Furter reading: (a system to encode data for use during conferences),, (iCal)

If you're interested, please contact Albert Rafetseder (

Computer Music between Applied Software Engineering and Pragmatic Tool-Building -
vergeben / already taken

The creation of computer-based music (including composition, digital lutherie, and performance) is firmly rooted in informatics and its methods. Pure Data, one established tool for music creation, for instance is billed as "visual programming language", and borrows many typical software development paradigms. Consequently, Pure Data also poses software engineering challenges. However, its artist users rarely have corresponding backgrounds, and develop their own coding practices.

Your task is to join a group of composition students who develop computer instruments and musical pieces, and reflect on informatic software engineering practices they use (implicitly or explicitly).  There are two main points of focus: (1) The implementation of computer instruments (including the pragmatic coding practice of composers), and (2) how composers structure musical time in their compositions and how they structure their creative process.

This topic is an interdisciplinary cooperation with MDW (Universität für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Wien / University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna).

Further reading: ,

If you're interested, please contact Albert Rafetseder (
